Good day fellow R users: I have routinely received the following message when attempting to estimate a GMM model for a somewhat square panel (N = 20, T = 9-27, Obs = 338) using the pgmm function in the plm package: Error in function (..., deparse.level = 1) : number of rows of matrices must match (see arg 2) So far, I am not wedded to a particular GMM model but what I have used thus far is similar to the Anderson - Hsaio estimator such that Y(t) = Y(t-2) + X(t-1) + u(i) + e(it) where Y(t-2) is the dependent variable lagged twice; X(t-1) is a series of lagged (more or less) exogenous regressors; u(i) is the individual (country) error component; and e(it) is the idiosyncratic error. The within estimator in plm works just fine for what it's worth (see script file). Basically, I was hoping to run the same basic model using pgmm. So far, I've tried to run different types of models using the pgmm function as well as have trimmed the data by adding more lagged versions of the dependent variable and subsequently trimming the dataset (in case there is sensitivity to NA observations) to no avail. I'm pretty familiar with R and the plm package in particular but less so with GMM estimation so I don't know if the issue relates to the software, the code I have written, or with how my data relates to GMM estimation (i.e. the theoretical/mathematical underpinnings of such a method). I have done a decent amount of work in trying to wrap my head around GMM and I don't see exactly what the problem could be so I'm reaching out to folks who know better. There was an earlier post on a similar topic ( but that issue appears to have been corrected with an amendment to the plm package. The links to my my (trimmed) dataset and R code are below. Thanks to all in advance for your help. Taylor White Research Assistant, UCLA taylorgentrywhite at Link to dataset: Link to the script used to run the regressions: