Hi, I am running a negative binomial model using Gamlss and when I try to include random effect, I get the following message: Warning messages: 1: In vcov.gamlss(object, "all") : addive terms exists in the mu formula standard errors for the linear terms maybe are not appropriate 2: In vcov.gamlss(object, "all") : addive terms exists in the sigma formula standard errors for the linear terms maybe are not appropriate 3: In summary.gamlss(model1) : summary: vcov has failed, option qr is used instead I still get the output for the fixed effects but not for the random effects. Can you recommend on a solution for this problem? Below is the code that I wrote: install.packages("gamlss") library(utils) library(MASS) library (gamlss) Data_Reduced = read.table(file.choose(), header=TRUE, sep="\t") model1<-gamlss(Events~ factor(Solo_Time) + factor(Fleet)+ Father_SS + Mother_SS + random(factor(Driver_ID)) + offset(logDuration), sigma.fo=~random(factor(Driver_ID)), data = na.omit(Data_Reduced), family=NBI, na.action = "na.omit") summary(model1) Thanks in advance. Best regards, Haneen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haneen Farah, Ph.D. Department of Transport Sciences School of Architecture & Build Environment KTH- Royal Institute of Technology Teknikringen 72, SE-100 44 Stockholm Tel: +46-8-7907977 fhanin@kth.se<mailto:fhanin@kth.se> http://home.abe.kth.se/~fhanin/ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]