Peter Solymos
2012-Feb-14 17:09 UTC
[R] [R-pkgs] New version: dclone 1.7-1 and dcmle 0.1-4 rolled out
Dear R Community, I am happy to introduce the next release of the *dclone* package (see R Journal, 2(2): 29-37, 2010) which now includes a suite of functions for parallel computations: - see functions parJagsModel, parUpdate, parCodaSamples using 'snow' type clusters; and the - jags.parfit function that can be used with 'snow' type clusters or multiple cores. - iterative model fitting with the data cloning algorithm can exploit various types of parallelism (parallel chains, 'size' balancing or the two combined) through the dc.parfit function using JAGS, WinBUGS or OpenBUGS. - JAGS related parallel functions can safely handle RNGs even for large numbers of parallel chains using the "lecuyer" JAGS module. The *dcmle* package defines S4 classes around infrastructure provided by the dclone package to make package development with data cloning for hierarchical models easy as a breeze. The testing suite of the two packages now includes 30 examples (see listDcExamples() ). library(dcmle) sourceDcExample("seeds") cl <- makePSOCKcluster(3) parLoadModule("glm") m <- dcmle(seeds, n.clones=c(1,2,4), cl=cl, partype="parchains") stopCluster(cl) m I am grateful for the feedback and support provided by a growing user base. Special thanks to Martyn Plummer for exposing RNG handling in rjags for better integration, and to Khurram Nadeem for catching the most annoying bugs on the test run. Cheers, Peter Peter Solymos Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute and Boreal Avian Modelling project Department of Biological Sciences CW 405, Biological Sciences Bldg University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E9, Canada Phone: 780.492.8534 Fax: 780.492.7635 email <- paste("solymos", "", sep = "@") _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at