On 01/13/2012 11:09 PM, Lasse DSR-mail wrote:> Got problems with plotCI (plotrix)
> I only want to plot the upper part of the error bar in my barplot
> I had the exact same commands working two months ago
> Now I wanted to change the legend and when I ran it again plotCI stopped
> working.
> To me it seems like there must some bug in R
> library(plotrix)
> library (graphics)
> x = matrix(c( 13.75516276, 3.944604404, 15.02280537,
> 80.27687015, 91.35282561, 81.8232087,
> 5.96796709, 3.625017815, 3.202591556), nrow=3,byrow=T)
> yx=matrix(c( 2.5,7.5,12.5,3.5,8.5,13.5,4.5,9.5,14.5), nrow=3,byrow=T)
> ste<-c(4.870993623,
> 881562951,1.996090108)
> w<-c("grey","light grey","white")
> r<-c("Leioproctus",
> barplot(x,ylab="Relative abundance (%, +SE)",
> xlab="Land use",
> col=c("grey","light grey","white"),
> space=c(0,2),
> ylim=c(0,107),cex.lab="1.3" )
> legend(x=3.5, y=108, box.lty=0, legend=r, fill=w)
> box(bty='l' )
> #original command, now not working #
> plotCI(x=yx,y=x,uiw=ste,liw=NA, pch=NA_integer_, col="black",
> lwd=1,add=TRUE)
> ## why is this following command working
> plotCI(x=yx,y=x,uiw=NA, liw=ste,pch=NA_integer_, col="black",
> lwd=1,add=TRUE)
Hi Lasse,
I can't help you immediately with plotCI, but I think I can get you out
of trouble. When I wrote the dispersion function, I displayed an
undefined dispersion (e.g. a variance with only one observation) as a
line going off the plot. It is fairly simple to suppress this, as I have
done in the attached revision, which will be in the next version of
plotrix. I have added an argument "display.na" that is TRUE by
If set to FALSE, NAs will not be displayed on the plot. The code below
should do what you want.
xpos<-barp(x,ylab="Relative abundance (%, +SE)",xlab="Land
legend(x=0.5, y=108, box.lty=0, legend=r, fill=w)