Displaying 20 results from an estimated 26 matches for "uiw".
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2005 Apr 01
plotCI error when trying to omit upper or lower bars (PR#7764)
...wer error bars should be omitted by passing NULL as
an argument. Older versions of plotCI had no problem with this. Here
is an example:
means <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
upperw <- c(1,1,1,1,1)
lowerw <- c(1,1,1,1,1)
upper <- means+upperw
lower <- means-lowerw
plotCI(x=means,uiw=upperw,liw=lowerw) #Works fine
plotCI(x=means,ui=upper,li=lower) #Works fine
##Error with uiw and liw:
plotCI(x=means,uiw=NULL,liw=lowerw) #Error: subscript out of bounds
plotCI(x=means,uiw=upperw,liw=NULL) #Error: subscript out of bounds
##Error with ui and li:
plotCI(x=means,ui=NULL ,li=low...
2010 Jun 05
Error Bar Issues
...80 6.107491 1.5027762
7 110 6.968231 1.3799637
8 140 7.325713 1.2282053
9 200 7.875194 1.1185175
10 260 6.513927 0.5386359
11 320 4.204342 0.6855906
This is the command that I typed in to get my error bars.
plotCI(x=Saline [,1],y=Saline [,2], uiw=Saline [,3], liw=uiw, err=y, pch=21,
pt.bg=par("bg"), cex=1.5, lty=1, type="o", gap=0, sfrac=0.005,
xlim=c(-21,340),xaxp=c(-20,320,11), xlab="Time (min)", ylim=c(0,12),
yaxp=c(0,12,11), ylab="Arterial Plasma Acetaminophen (?g/mL)", las=1,
font.lab=2, add=TRUE...
2006 Oct 16
set linetype with plotCI
...everal calls to plotCI [gplots], like so:
x = xvals.f[sorted],
y = yvals.f[sorted],
xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = c(ymin, ymax),
pch = plot_symbols[graph_idx], type = "b",
lty = plot_linetypes[1],
col = plot_colors[graph_idx],
barcol = plot_colors[graph_idx], uiw = NA,
xlab = "", ylab = "",
add = (plot_cnt > 0)
This works fine, the result is four graphs exactly like I want them.
Except for one thing, the lty is not used.
I understand this is because plotCI uses the lty argument for the uiw
bars which I am omitting (but want to ad...
2011 Nov 16
plotting a double y axis when x and y lengths differ
...ice Data2 has one less years worth of data than Data1 (which is my
I am fond of using plotCI as it makes creating error bars and offsetting
overlapping error bars so easy, and double y-axis plots are a breeze
plotCI(x=Data1$Year, y=Data1$Data, uiw=Data1$SE,lty=1,sfrac=.005, type="l",
gap=0, col="red", xlab="YEAR")
plotCI(x=(Data2$Year) +offset, y=Data2$Data, uiw=Data2$SE,lty=1,sfrac=.005,
type="l", gap=0, col="blue", xaxt="n",yaxt="n",xlab="",ylab...
2013 Feb 11
How to plot doubles series with different location using plotCI
##mean and error first data series
tmp <-
means <-
sapply(tmp, mean)
stdev <-
sapply(tmp, sd)
n <-
ciw <-
qt(0.975, n) * stdev / sqrt(n)
first data series
col="red", barcol="red", lwd=3, pch=18,
xaxt="n", yaxt="n", ylab='benefit',xlab='typo', yaxs = 'i',ylim=c(0,8))
at=1:3, labels=names(tmp), cex=0.7)
##mean and error second data series
tmp <-
2006 Feb 01
several plots in one
plotCI(x = cbind(x1,x2),
y = cbind(means1,means2), # means1 == ci1["Estimate",]
xlim = c(0,100), #ylim = c(0.2,0.5),
ylab = "System welfare",
pch = 7, col = c("red","blue"), type = "b",
uiw = cbind(uiw1,uiw2))
Thanks in advance,
2012 Jan 13
Problems with plotCI
...quot;Land use",
col=c("grey","light grey","white"), beside=TRUE,
ylim=c(0,107),cex.lab="1.3" )
legend(x=3.5, y=108, box.lty=0, legend=r, fill=w)
box(bty='l' )
#original command, now not working #
plotCI(x=yx,y=x,uiw=ste,liw=NA, pch=NA_integer_, col="black",
## why is this following command working
plotCI(x=yx,y=x,uiw=NA, liw=ste,pch=NA_integer_, col="black",
Lasse Bech Jacobsen
Horticultural Master Student
Copenhagen University
2000 Nov 08
How to plot error bars
I'm a newcomer to R. I can't seem to find any documentation how to add
error bars to points in scatter plots. I guess I could plot the points,
then compute and plot line segments in the X and/or Y directions to
represent the errors?
- Mike
r-help mailing list -- Read
2001 May 24
New Package: gregmisc
I've thrown a couple of useful functions into a new package "gregmisc" and
uploaded them to ftp://ftp.ci.tuwien.ac.at/incoming/gregmisc_0.1.1.tgz
Package: gregmisc
Description: Misc Functions written/maintained by Gregory R. Warnes
Title: Greg's Miscellaneous Functions
Version: 0.1
Date: 2001/05/24
Depends: R
Maintainer: Gregory R. Warnes
2006 Sep 24
Hi R masters!
I need a Help with plot confidence intervals for one equation. I use
library gplots and plotCI command in this script:
ano <-1980:2002
But in the graph not shown the errors bar and I have this error msg
zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped
Well, where is my eror?
Thanks in advance
Bernardo Rangel Tura, MD, PhD
National Institute of Cardiology Laranjeiras
Rio de Janeiro Brazil
2010 Jun 13
Break in the y-axis
...uot;SEM"), class =
"data.frame", row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
"10", "11"))
####plotted data with error bars
plotCI(x=Saline [,1],y=Saline [,2], uiw=Saline [,3], err="y",
pt.bg=par("bg"),pch=19, cex=2.5 ,gap=0, sfrac=0.005,
xlim=c(-20,340),xaxp=c(-20,320,12), xlab="Time (min)",
ylim=c(0,200),yaxp=c(0,200,10), ylab="Arterial Plasma\nGlucose (?g/mL)",
las=1, axes=FALSE, font.lab=2.2,cex.lab=1.6)
2001 Apr 16
Help with plotting error bars in R
I'm sorry to send email to everyone on this list, but I have a simple question
which is bothering me and I can't seem to figure out the correct answer. I
just downloaded R and I'm trying to reproduce some simple analysis I've done
on other packages. In particular, if I have a vector of experimental values
and a vector of their uncertainties, is there a way to plot the
2002 Jan 25
How to add error bars to plot(x,y)in R?
Dear R Experts,
Is there a way in R to add an error bar (say in the y direction) for each data point?
Ming Chow
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info", "help",
2002 Jan 25
How to add error bars to plot(x,y)in R?
Dear R Experts,
Is there a way in R to add an error bar (say in the y direction) for each data point?
Ming Chow
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info", "help",
2000 Aug 29
Newbie question: Linear regression with error bars.
Hello guys,
I am a total newbie on R, having downloaded it, read the documentation and
started playing with it right now.
My general question is what 'lr' model can be used for doing a linear
regression on points that have a variance associated with them (ie. Monte
Carlo simulation results).
Actually my Data sets look like:
Timestep Energy Variance_of_the_Energy
0.0005 -14.876840
2010 Apr 21
Adding error bars to xyplot()
...ion", scale=list(cex=2), xlab="Test Number", auto.key=T)
#first attempt
errbar(x = time, y = means, yplus = means + SE, yminus = means - SE,
add=T, col=c("blue", "hotpink"))
#second attempt, same result
plotCI(x = time, y = means, uiw = SE, add=T)
Thanks in advance!
- Jon
Jon Zadra
Department of Psychology
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400400
Charlottesville VA 22904
(434) 982-4744
email: zadra at virginia.edu
2008 Jun 09
Student Distribution and Funtion qt
...a. This is the code that I am currently using:
means <- sapply(data, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
n <- sapply(data,length)
stdev <- sqrt(sapply(data, var, na.rm=TRUE))
ciw <- qt(0.98, n) * stdev / sqrt(n)
par(mgp=c(2,0.6,0), las=2, fin=c(7,3), mai=c(1,0.5,0.2,0.2), cex=0.8)
plotCI(x=means, uiw=ciw, ylim=c(0,100), col="red",col.axis="black",add=F)
The code works fine, just the results are not as expected. I compared the results that R calculates for my variable ciw and noticed differences compared to other calculations. I suppose that the reason can be found in the...
2010 Apr 30
plotting multiple CIs
...that I can compare the accuracy e.g. boot basic vs normal vs my own vs classic lm CI etc.
I like very very much the plotCI implemented here:
This is their example:
y <- runif(10)
err <- runif(10)
plotCI(x=1:10,y=y,uiw=err,liw=2*err,lwd=2,col="red",scol="blue",main="Add colors to the points and error bars")
but does not seem to support plotting multiple CIs but only one per point, is there a similar library somewhere but having the possibility to plot multiple CIs?
I know there is...
2009 Aug 12
A function for plotting a boxplot with added dot and bars (for mean and SE) - please help improve my code
...es = new.names, cex.axis = min(1, mean(c(1,12/
max(nchar(new.names)) )) ), ...)
} else { boxplot(tmp, ...) } # else - make boxplot without them
# adding the points and the bars
points(means, col = 'red', pch = 19)
if(require(gplots) & plot.CI) {
plotCI(x=means, uiw=ciw, col="white", barcol="blue",
xaxt="n" , add = T)
if(print.mean) {
small.mean.and.se.table <- rbind(round(means,3),round(ciw,3), n)
rownames(small.mean.and.se.table) <- c("means:", "SE's:", "N&quo...
2011 Jun 09
Help creating a scatterplot with errorbars using gplot
....39233333 1.61100000
My y-values (cellconc) are:
2e+06 5e+06 1e+07 2e+07 5e+07 1e+08 2e+08 5e+08 1e+09
And my standard deviations (stdev) are:
0.001154701 0.003000000 0.002081666 0.009865766 0.015716234 0.040253364 0.017691806 0.013868429 0.007234178
I use the command:
plotCI(OD600, cellconc, uiw=stdev)
And I receive a graph that looks correct but without any error bars. I also receive these warnings:
1: In arrows(...) : zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped
2: In arrows(...) : zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped
3: In arrows(...) : zero-length...