I just tried a litte bit with your dataset and hope to get a solution as
wanted ;-)
On 21.11.2011 21:55 (UTC+1), Andrew McFadden wrote:> Hi all
> I hope you might help me with some aspects of producing a graph in lattice.
There are three things I have struggling with and that is: 1. to separate the
horizontal box rows from each other; 2. to change the colour of the horizontal
and vertical strips to white; and 3. to place the axes labels on the left y axes
and on the bottom x axes. I would really appreciate some help. I have put the
following example together. I tried "between=list(y=c(1))" to try and
separate the horizontal box rows but perhaps I have not used this correctly. I
tried to use the following to place the labels on the left y axes
"scales=list(y=list(alternating=c(1))" but again perhaps I didn't
use this correctly.
> library(lattice)
> library(latticeExtra)
> n=as.factor(c(1:5,1:5))
> Test=as.factor(c(rep("Bovine viral diarrhoea",5),rep("Border
> Titer=as.numeric(c(10,20,30,40, 50,15, 25, 35, 45, 55))
> heif=data.frame(n,Breed, Test, Titer)
> x=barchart( heif[,4]~ heif[,1]| heif[,3]+ heif[,2] ,ylab="titer",
> layout = c(2,2), scales=list(x=list(at=c(seq(0, 60, by =
> labels=c(seq(0, 60, by = 15))))
> )
# you can use 'heif' more directly like in models
x=barchart( Titer ~ n | Test+Breed, data=heif,
layout = c(2,4),
# distance between rows
between = list(y = c(0.5)),
# x- and y-lables only onesided, ticks also onesided
scales = list(x = list(alternating = 1, tck = c(1,0)),
y = list(alternating = 1, tck = c(1,0))),
xlab = "count (n)",
ylab = "titer"
> useOuterStrips(x)
# the best way I found for colouring was in useOuterStrips
strip = strip.custom(bg = "white"),
strip.left = strip.custom(bg = "white")
Hope this helps,
Rainer Hurling
> Kind regards
> Andrew McFadden MVS BVSc | Veterinary Epidemiologist,
> Investigation and Diagnostic Centre | Biosecurity New Zealand
> Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry | 66 Ward St, Wallaceville | PO Box
40 742 | Upper Hutt | New Zealand
> Telephone: 64-4-894 5611 | Facsimile: 64-4-894 4973| Mobile: 027-733-1791 |
Web: www.maf.govt.nz