Never mind-I fixed it.
My script is throwing the following error:
"Error in glmer(formula = modelformula, data = data, family = binomial(link
= logit),? :
? Argument ?method? is deprecated.
Use ?nAGQ? to choose AGQ.? PQL is not available."
I remember hearing somewhere that PQL is no longer available on lme4 but I have
AGQ specified.???
Here's the line that fits my model:
(fitmodel <-
If I change it to nAGQ I still get an error.
Any ideas as to what's going on?
----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Raynaud <scott.raynaud at>
To: "r-help at" <r-help at>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:50 PM
Subject: package installtion
I'm getting the following error in a script: "Error: could not find
function "lmer."??? I'm wondering of my lme4 package is installed
incorrectly.? Can someone tell me the installation procedure?? I looked at the
support docs but couldn't translate that into anything that would work.