Dear R-Users I think I am getting the hang of how sweave works. However there is one thing I am struggling with - nice small size graphics. Here is the piece of the Rnw file that creates the figures. <<pl1,fig=TRUE,include=FALSE,echo=false>> #pdf(file="datapl1.pdf",paper="a4",width=0,height=0); plot(yt,ypred,xlab="Data",ylab="Predicted Value",ylim=c(0,3),xlim=c(0,3),main="PL 1"); #invisible(; @ <<pl2,fig=TRUE,include=FALSE,echo=false>> #pdf(file="datapl2.pdf",paper="a4",width=0,height=0); plot(yt,ypredmean,xlab="Data",ylab="Predicted Value",ylim=c(0,3),xlim=c(0,3),main="PL 2"); #invisible(; @ <<pl3,fig=TRUE,include=FALSE,echo=false>> #pdf(file="datapl3.pdf",paper="a4",width=0,height=0); plot(yt,ypredr,xlab="Data",ylab="Predicted Value",ylim=c(0,3),xlim=c(0,3),main="PL 3"); #invisible(; @ \begin{figure}[htbp] \centering{ \begin{tabular}{cc} \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,height=0.3\textheight]{report-pl1} & \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,height=0.3\textheight]{report-pl2} \\ (a) & (b) \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{c} \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,height=0.3\textheight]{report-pl3} \\ (c) \end{tabular} } \caption{\label{fig:pl1})} \end{figure} With the comments (#) the axis labels and the tick labels seem a bit fuzzy. Why did I do wrong? Is there a way to increase the font size? If I change the code and include what is in the comments (#), the output result is terrible. The whole figure seems fuzzy; font size is so small that one cannot read (I have used cex.lab=1.3 but part of the label is lost). Any tips? Many thanks again Ed [[alternative HTML version deleted]]