Displaying 20 results from an estimated 73 matches for "textwidth".
2010 Aug 17
Dear R users,
I am using Sweave.
I would like to use the width option for the graphics :
How do I get this ?
Thank you very much,
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2005 Sep 16
setkeys and Sweave
Hi there:
all seem to work under R-2.1.1 under sparc, solaris2.9, but
do not work. I have not been able to find relevant information, googling
on setkeys proved confusing, at best.
2006 Nov 30
R_WinEdt question
if I want to put fig1plot to the left, figYPplot to the right
figYAaplot on the bottom.
How to modify the following cod to do these?
%\caption{Caption 1}
%\caption{Caption 1}
2009 Jun 25
Setting default plot size in Sweave
I have used
\SweaveOpts{prefix.string=plot, eps = FALSE, pdf = TRUE}
\SweaveOpts{width=5, height=4}
But the figure still has a width of 80% of the text width, the default
set up by Sweave, which issues a LateX command in Sweave.sty of
\setkeys{Gin}{.8\textwidth}. Sweave.sty has a command
\ifthenelse{\boolean{Sweave at gin}}{\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth}}{}%
but I don't know how to set some parameter 'gin' to prevent the setkeys
from being executed.
I would like to be able to set the default graph dimensions at the start
of the docum...
2009 Aug 22
improving ?RweaveLatex
Dear developers
Please read below.
On 6/25/09, Marc Schwartz <marc_schwartz at me.com> wrote:
> You can use the following *after* the \begin{document} directive:
> \setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth}
> The above is the default. Reset it to what you would like.
> Note, as per that manual page, that the Sweave options 'height' and 'width'
> affect the size of the PDF and EPS files created, but it is the above
> command that controls the size of the image i...
2010 Mar 29
Page width figures in Latex
bRotheRs & sisteRs,
I am once again attempting to learn enough Latex voodoo to get something
done, and failing comically. The document "RJAuthorguide.pdf"
mentions that one can get page width figures through the use of the
"figure*" or "table* environments, but despite considerable searching
through the mail archives and reading Frank Harrell's discussion of
2002 Jan 27
EPS->LaTeX problem
I have a strange problem displaying a graph from R (1.3.1, linux) in a
LaTeX document of documentclass seminar.
I'm using graphicx to include the file:
When I do this, the entire slide (including the page number) is rotated
180 degrees. Any ideas why this happens?
The graph was created using the syntax in R:
plot(USArrests$Murder, USArrests$Assault...
2008 Nov 04
getting "small" graphs with Sweave using Rnews.sty
I'm sorry for having to post this, but I can't seem to find any
solutions to this, which seems pretty simple, but then again...
I've started playing with the example r news project and wanted to start
adding some graphs, but replacing:
\framebox[\textwidth]{\hfill \raisebox{-.45in}{\rule{0in}{1in}}
A graph goes here \hfill}
A normal figure only occupies one column.}
yields a an empty box, which is good, with the following:
2011 Apr 09
Trouble with Sweave and Beamer
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
% Standard packages
% The main document
\setlength{\unitlength}{\textwidth} % measure in textwidths
\begin{frame}[t]{Data Representation and Analysis}
x <- rnorm(100)
xm <- mean(x)
2011 Aug 17
Sweave and graphics
Value",ylim=c(0,3),xlim=c(0,3),main="PL 3");
\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,height=0.3\textheight]{report-pl1} &
\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,height=0.3\textheight]{report-pl2} \\
(a) & (b)
\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth,height=0.3\textheight]{report-pl3} \\
2008 May 18
Figure environment and includegraphics options from Sweave
...e to bother about filenames and starting and stpping the device.
I want the the resulting LaTeX to look as:
> x <- seq(-2 * pi, 2 * pi, 0.1)
> plot(x, cos(x), type = "l", lwd = 4)
i.e. with options to the \includegraphics and all embedded in a figure
Is there a way to do this without writing the figure environment
If not, is there a way to get the generated filename of the plot, or to
explicitly give it
in the .rnw file?...
2006 Dec 12
Sweave, Xfig, pdflatex and \setkeys
...ings without the text and foo.pdftex with some
LaTeX code that ensures the text lands in the right place together with
the drawing. I'm supposed to \input{} this file in my LaTeX document.
Trouble is that Sweave defines (with \setkeys) the default width of
\includegraphics to be 0.8 times the \textwidth. The result is that the
graphic is scaled, but not the text.
I was looking for a way to temporarily undefine the default width of
included graphics, but without success. Does anyone know how to undo a
definition that has been set with \setkeys?
Or does anyone has another workaround for including...
2009 Jul 13
SweaveListingUtils question
recently I read about the SweaveListingUtils package and now I want to try
it out. However, I can not make it work...
Below a minimal example. The problem seems to be the following line
(generated by SweaveListingPreparations()?):
If I comment out this line, it works.
What can I do about this?
I am using the \begin{Scode} notation instead of Rnw files. May this be the
problem? For some technical reason, I would like to stick on this notation.
Any help appreciated,
kind regards,
%%%% begin example
2002 Nov 13
Package documentation and rd.sty
Hi all,
I've got a basic question regarding package documentation and rd.sty. I
wrote my first own package, and now I would like to place the documentation
into the appendix of another LaTex document. Seemingly I cannot simply
\usepackage{Rd}, as this will modify the page-settings of my document. Is
there a minimum style file which will just define the environments and
commands needed for
2013 Aug 28
Error when using buildVignettes()
...vignette QC.pdf
if (require(tools)) {
buildVignettes(dir=outdir, lib.loc=NULL, quiet=FALSE, clean=FALSE);
The file "QC.begin.Rnw" is as follows:
2003 Oct 07
plot width in Sweave
I didn't find this in the manual: I need to change the width of a plot
while I use sweave, so which command/parameters should I insert below,
to change the width of a plot
<<echo=TRUE, fig=TRUE>>=
plot(Re(q),ylab ="",type="o",col="blue",lwd=1, sub=mystring)
\caption{Original stick function (stimulus
2012 Apr 04
Rgui maintains open file handles after Sweave error
...DeclareOption{nogin}{\setboolean{Sweave at gin}{false}}
\DeclareOption{noae}{\setboolean{Sweave at ae}{false}}
\ifthenelse{\boolean{Sweave at gin}}{\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth}}{}%
\ifthenelse{\boolean{Sweave at ae}}{%
2006 Jun 16
R in ConTeXt
\title{Example usage of R module}
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- runif(100)
\type{x} and \type{y} are randomly generated.
\placefigure{Y vs X}{\externalfigure[xy][width=.4\textwidth]}
Regards, Johan
Johan Sandblom N8, MRC, Karolinska sjh
t +46851776108 17176 Stockholm
m +46735521477 Sweden
"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the
will to find out, which is the exact opposite"
- Bertrand Russell
2009 Mar 13
How to combine xtable and minipage with Sweave ?
\DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Sinput}{Verbatim}{formatcom = {\color[rgb]{0, 0,
\DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Soutput}{Verbatim}{formatcom = {\color[rgb]{0.56,
0, 0}}}
<<echo=FALSE, results=TEX>>=
rg<-read.table(file="d:/RWork/rg.txt", sep=";", dec=".", header=T, as.is=T)
2009 Aug 07
xtable, sweave and resizebox
xtable(stats0,caption='Número de transacções dos artigos frequentes e
but the size is too big
so I try
and it doesn t work anymore
any hints?
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