## I clicked the send-button too quickly, before changing the title of the message etc... Sorry.## I am running following phylogenetic analyses with the caper package: data=read.table(file="data.txt",header=T,sep="\t") tree = read.nexus("Tree.nex") primate = comparative.data(phy=tree, data=data, names.col=Species, vcv=TRUE, na.omit=FALSE, warn.dropped=TRUE) PGLM_brain=pgls(ln_brain~ln_body,data=primate, lambda="ML") summary(PGLM_brain) Now I would like the get the phylogenetic residuals of this model, which I should be able to do with the phyres function: resbrain=phyres(PGLM_brain) But then I get the following error message: Error: could not find function "phyres" Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Janneke van Woerden Janneke van Woerden Anthropological Institute and Museum Winterthurerstrasse 190 8057 Zurich Tel: +41-446355424 Email: j.vanwoerden@aim.uzh.ch [[alternative HTML version deleted]]