Hi all,
I've been using the wdTable() function from R2wd package and it's been
working great.
However I just tried to do the following:
> table.2
Waste Rebate code Chargeable (fin_map) Quantity (qty)
[1,] "Waste" "Rebate code" "CHG"
[2,] "Waste" "Rebate code" "NOCHG"
[3,] "Waste" "No code" "CHG"
[4,] "Waste" "No code" "NOCHG"
[5,] "Total Waste" "" ""
[6,] "No Waste" "Rebate code" "CHG"
[7,] "No Waste" "Rebate code" "NOCHG"
[8,] "No Waste" "No code" "CHG"
[9,] "No Waste" "No code" "NOCHG"
[10,] "Total No Waste" "" ""
[11,] "Grand Total" "" ""
Per cent Total $
[1,] "0.2%"
[2,] "0.4%"
[3,] "0%"
[4,] "0.1%"
[5,] "0.7%"
[6,] "29.1%"
[7,] "58.9%"
[8,] "1.2%"
[9,] "9.9%"
[10,] "99.2%"
[11,] "99.9%"
> format(table.2)
Waste Rebate code Chargeable (fin_map) Quantity
[1,] "Waste " "Rebate code " "CHG
" "121
[2,] "Waste " "Rebate code " "NOCHG
" "229
[3,] "Waste " "No code " "CHG
" "2
[4,] "Waste " "No code " "NOCHG
" "26
[5,] "Total Waste " " " "
" "378
[6,] "No Waste " "Rebate code " "CHG
" "5,330
[7,] "No Waste " "Rebate code " "NOCHG
" "15,781
[8,] "No Waste " "No code " "CHG
" "197
[9,] "No Waste " "No code " "NOCHG
" "1,205
[10,] "Total No Waste" " " "
" "22513
[11,] "Grand Total " " " "
" "22891
Total Per cent Total $
[1,] "$22,534.01 " "0.2% "
[2,] "$51,346.14 " "0.4% "
[3,] "$1,260.01 " "0% "
[4,] "$10,969.1 " "0.1% "
[5,] "$86,109.26 " "0.7% "
[6,] "$3,427,721 " "29.1% "
[7,] "$6,949,667 " "58.9% "
[8,] "$143,407.2 " "1.2% "
[9,] "$1,172,939 " "9.9% "
[10,] "$11,693,735 " "99.2% "
[11,] "$11,779,844 " "99.9% "
> wdTable(format(table.2), caption = "Wastage by chargeable status and
rebate code")
Error in out[1 + (1:nr), 1] <- row.names(data) :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
I'm not sure what caused the error message (table.2 can be exported as a
CSV file fine), and am wondering if anyone has experience similar
problem using wdTable()?
Kind regards
Kevin Wang
Manager, Government Advisory Services
10 Shelley Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
+61 2 9335 8282
+61 2 9335 7001
0419 374 580
kevinwang@kpmg.com.au <mailto:kevinwang@kpmg.com.au>
kpmg.com.au <http://kpmg.com.au>
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