Please do *NOT* repeat post, nor send HTML (see the posting guide).
This is repeat of
There is no error here. If there had been, the posting guide asks you
to contact the package maintainer, who will (I hope) be able to
explain the **warning** shown.
On Tue, 26 Jul 2011, Anera Salucci wrote:
> I am trying to used "ordgee" from "geepack" for an
ordinal dataset.
> When I write the code it returns?
> "Warning message:In binomial(link) : use of binomial(link=link) is
deprecated" ,
> but the program runs.
> ?
>> ? fit <- ordgee(ordered(phy) ~ age+BMI++convert, id=id,
data=newdata, int.const=FALSE)
> Warning message:
> In binomial(link) : use of binomial(link=link) is deprecated
>> summary (fit)
> Call:
> ordgee(formula = ordered(lim_phy) ~ age + BMI + +convert, id = id,
> ??? data = newdata, int.const = FALSE)
> Mean Model:
> ?Mean Link:???????????????? logit
> ?Variance to Mean Relation: binomial
> ?Coefficients:
> ?????????????? estimate???? wald????????? p
> Inter:1:0? -0.200293725 1.16194316 0.0297142603 0.86314017
> Inter:1:25 -0.516243875 1.16840224 0.1952203377 0.65860683
> Inter:1:50 -0.924611635 1.18123668 0.6126957419 0.43377462
> ?
> ?
> Even when I run?the R code ?example for "ohio" and
"respdis", it returns the same error.
> why? the package returns this error and how to solve it?
> thank you in advance
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595