Hi, I have been working generating decision tree analyses on large numbers of simulation datasets using the RPART function.? With some datasets, RPART is returning an error of "Error in yval[, 1] : incorrect number of dimensions".? There seem to be certain types of splits that cause it to break and return this message.? I?am able to isolate the record at which this error message will begin appearing.? For example, there is a difference of one record in the enclosed files; one file (noproblem.csv) will correctly produce output.? The second (problem.csv), with only one additional record, will return the error message and no output.? I am running R 2.13.0 on a Windows XP platform.? To reproduce the problem: library(rpart) data <- read.csv("problem.csv", header=T)control=rpart.control(minbucket=10) x <- rpart(cad~v1+v2+v3+v4+v5+v6+v7+v8+v9+v10,data=data, method = "class", control=control) summary(x) Similar code run on "noproblem.csv" will not produce the error. Any suggestions on how to proceed to debug this issue would be greatly appreciated.? I am a novice R user, but not a novice programmer (SAS, some C, Java).? Thanks for your time. Victor Pontes Inatec, Inc. Medford, MA