On Wed, 18 May 2011, Hasan Diwan wrote:
> When I run the code below on Macintosh and Windows, the plot comes out
> fine. However, on Linux, the png generated is invalid from R console,
> and loading strucchange crashes rkward.
I can replicate nothing of this. I ran the script both in a plain R 2.13.0
and in RKward 0.5.5 on a Debian GNU/Linux machine.
In both cases, the script below yielded the correct outcome and the PNG
showed the correct graphic. (And neither R or RKward crashed.)
> Is this a known issue on Linux and, if so, is there a workaround?
This is almost certainly no general Linux problem with PNG graphics and no
problem with the specific strucchange example. It's more likely that
something else goes wrong in your specific setup.
> Many thanks!
> require(strucchange)
> data("RealInt")
> bp.ri <- breakpoints(RealInt~1, h=15)
> summary(bp.ri)
> fac.ri <- breakfactor(bp.ri, breaks = 3, label='seg')
> fm.ri <- lm(RealInt~0 + fac.ri)
> summary(fm.ri)
> vcov.ri <- function(x,...) kernHAC (x, kernel = 'Quadratic
> prewhite = 1, approx = 'AR(1)', ...)
> coef(bp.ri, breaks <- 3)
> sapply(vcov(bp.ri, breaks = 3, vcov=vcov.ri), sqrt)
> confint(bp.ri, breaks = 3, vcov=vcov.ri)
> png('SCC2.png')
> plot(RealInt)
> lines(as.vector(time(RealInt)), fitted(fm.ri), col=4)
> lines(confint(bp.ri, breaks = 3, vcov=vcov.ri))
> dev.off()
> print(paste('Plot in SCC2.png in', getwd()))
> --
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