Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "strucchange package Linux help"
2004 Jun 29
strucchange-esque inference for glms ?
hello R-world,
according to the strucchange package .pdf, "all procedures in this package are
concerned with testing or assessing deviations from stability in the classical
linear regression model."
i'd like to test/assess deviations from stability in the Poisson model.
is there a way to modify the strucchange package to suit my purposes, or should
i use be using another
2009 Dec 22
strucchange | breakpoints - pure structural change model?
Dear R-Team,
Am I right supposing that the "breakpoints()" function in the strucchange
package is an implementation of the pure structural change model proposed
by Bai and Perron (1997, 2003)?
My question relates to a partial structural change model that Bai and
Perron formulate in their 2003 paper, e.g. formulated as
y = x' beta + z' delta_j + epsilon,
where beta and delta
2011 Sep 28
Robust covariance matrix with NeweyWest()
Dear R-users,
I would like to compute a robust covariance matrix of two series of realizations of random variables:
###Begin Example###
data <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
model <- lm(data ~ 1)
NeweyWest(model) #produces an error
###End Example###
NeweyWest() produces an error but sandwich(), vcovHAC(), kernHAC, weave(),... do not produce any errors. It
2013 Jan 20
strucchange breakpoints r-squared
Can anyone please tell me how to get the r-squared output from a piecewise
(segmented) regression using the strucchange package? Here is the R code I
have tried thus far.
data <- ts(c(rnorm(30), runif(30)), frequency = 12, start = c(2005, 01))
bpts <- breakpoints(data ~ 1)
[[alternative HTML version
2011 Jul 29
'breackpoints' (package 'strucchange'): 2 blocking error messages when using for multiple regression model testing
Good morning to all,
I am encountering a blocking issue when using the function 'breackpoints'
from package 'strucchange'.
I use a data frame, 248 observations of 5 variables, no NA.
I compute a linear model, as y~x1+...+x4
x4 is a dummy variable (0 or 1).
I want to check this model for structural changes.
*Process & issues:*
*First, I used function Fstats.* It
2004 Oct 26
vcov method for 'coxph' objects
Dear all,
The help file for the generic function vcov states
"Classes with methods for this function include: 'lm', 'glm', 'nls', 'lme',
'gls', 'coxph' and 'survreg' (the last two in package 'survival')."
Since, I am not able to use vcov.coxph(), I am wondering whether I am
missing something (as I suspect..)
2004 Oct 06
R2.0.0 bug in function vcov in library survival (PR#7266)
Full_Name: Sven Sandin
Version: 2.0.0
OS: SuSE Linux 9.0
Submission from: (NULL) (
Have just compiled and installed R-2.0.0.tar.gz running SuSE9.0.
The function vcov do not accept "coxph" object as input any longer.
The same R-program running R1.9.1 do work. R-program attached below.
Exporting the coxph object from R2.0.0 to R1.9.1 I get vcov ouput in R1.9.1.
2010 Mar 24
Hello all,
I am trying to get the variance-covariance (VCOV) matrix of the
parameter estimates produced from the nlminb minimizing function, using
vcov.nlminb, but it seems to have been expunged from the MASS library.
The hessian from nlminb is also producing NaNs, although the estimates
seems to be right, so I can't VCOV that way either. I also tried using
the vcov function after minimizing
2008 Feb 12
Namespace/method oddity
I stumbled on the following:
> library(stats4)
> example(mle)
> confint.default(fit2)
Error in UseMethod("vcov") : no applicable method for "vcov"
In addition: Warning message:
In object$coefficients :
$ operator not defined for this S4 class, returning NULL
> vcov(fit2)
lymax lxhalf
lymax 0.02857612 -0.04870231
lxhalf -0.04870231 0.11457338
2017 Nov 02
vcov and survival
>>>>> Fox, John <jfox at mcmaster.ca>
>>>>> on Thu, 14 Sep 2017 13:46:44 +0000 writes:
> Dear Martin, I made three points which likely got lost
> because of the way I presented them:
> (1) Singularity is an unusual situation and should be made
> more prominent. It typically reflects a problem with the
> data or the
Error with regsubset in leaps package - vcov and all.best option (plus calculating VIFs for subsets)
2009 May 20
Error with regsubset in leaps package - vcov and all.best option (plus calculating VIFs for subsets)
Hi all
I am hoping this is just a minor problem, I am trying to implement a best subsets regression procedure on some ecological datasets using the regsubsets function in the leaps package. The dataset contains 43 predictor variables plus the response (logcount) all in a dataframe called environment. I am implementing it as follows:
2015 Jun 26
[R-pkg-devel] Guidelines for S3 regression models
thanks for your effort. The more appropriate list for this discussion is
probably R-devel (as far as I understand it) so I've moved the discussion
Related topics have already been discussed in the past. Specifically, I
remember contributions by Paul Johnson ("rockchalk" package) and John Fox
("effects" and "car" package) as their packages
2013 Mar 18
Hi All,
I have tried every fix on my try or tryCatch that I have found on the
internet, but so far have not been able to get my R code to continue with
the "for loop" after the lmer model results in an error.
Here is two attemps of my code, the input is a 3D array file, but really
any function would do....
a<-matrix(data=NA, nrow=dim(mydata)[3],
2004 Nov 19
function 'vcov' for coxph in R 2.0.0
Hi there,
After I fitted a cox model, I used vcov to obtain the
variance of the parameter estimate. It worked correctly in
R 1.9.1. But it failed in R 2.0.0 and the error message is
Error in vcov(cox.1) : no applicable method for "vcov"
I don't know if it is a bug or there is some update on
this function. Thanks!
Lei Liu
Assistant Professor
Division of Biostatistics and
2007 Sep 19
Robust or Sandwich estimates in lmer2
Dear R-Users:
I am trying to find the robust (or sandwich) estimates of the standard error of fixed effects parameter estimates using the package "lmer2". In model-1, I used "robust=TRUE" on the other, in model-2, I used "robust=FALSE". Both models giving me the same estimates. So my question is, does the robust option works in lmer2 to get the robust estimates of
2009 Jan 08
VCOV Source Code
Dear R Help,
I wonder the way to show the source code of [vcov] command. Usually, it
can show the source code after input the command and enter. But for
[vcov], it shows
function (object, ...)
<environment: namespace:stats>
I appreciate for your help. Best wishes.
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2005 Feb 25
vcov on result of rlm() yields "-- please report!" (PR#7707)
Dear r-bugs,
I looked over the FAQ. Hope I'm reporting this correctly.
I ran this on both solaris and windows. I've provided terminal snapshots
which include how R was called from the command line, and the
result of version at the R prompt.
I have attached the .r file, and the data file and the output snapshots.
Below also find everything except only a few lines of the data file.
2006 Aug 21
"vcov" error in svyby and svytable functions
I'm trying to compute survey svytable statistic on subsets by using the
svyby function.
Here is the code:
b<-svyby(~V024+V751, by=~V025, design=strat2, svytable, round=TRUE)
The vars, V024, V751 and V025 are factors. The by var has 2 levels, and
hence there will be two subsets. strat2 is created by the svydesign function.
It's giving me the following error:
2007 Dec 05
confint for coefficients from lm model (PR#10496)
Full_Name: Christian Lajaunie
Version: 2.5.1
OS: Fedora fc6
Submission from: (NULL) (
confint() does not use the appropriate variance term when the design
matrix contains a zero column (which of course should not happen).
A 10x2 matrix with trivial column 1:
> junk <- data.frame(x=rep(0,10), u=factor(sample(c("Y", "N"), 10, replace=T)))
2011 Mar 31
fit.mult.impute() in Hmisc
I tried multiple imputation with aregImpute() and
fit.mult.impute() in Hmisc 3.8-3 (June 2010) and R-2.12.1.
The warning message below suggests that summary(f) of
fit.mult.impute() would only use the last imputed data set.
Thus, the whole imputation process is ignored.
"Not using a Design fitting function; summary(fit)
will use standard errors, t, P from last imputation only.