On Apr 26, 2011, at 7:37 PM, Luis Felipe Parra wrote:
> Hello. I am trying to save an object which I created using assign as
> following:
> \Libreria\\Portafolio\\Port_",NombreAlgoritmo,"\
> \",NombreAlgoritmo,"_Portafolio.Rdata",sep=""))
> but I am getting the following error:
> Error in save(get(paste(NombreAlgoritmo, "_Portafolio", sep =
> file > paste(camino, :
> object 'get(paste(NombreAlgoritmo, "_Portafolio", sep =
""))' not
> found
> Does anybody know how can this be done?
You need to save the names rather than the "got"()-ten objects.
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT