On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 12:11 PM, R Heberto Ghezzo, Dr
<heberto.ghezzo at mcgill.ca> wrote:> Hello,
> I never used Sweave before but now I try and got:
Have you installed LaTeX on your computer? It doesn't come installed on
Windows machines by default. I would suggest MiKTeX http://www.miktex.org/
but people who use Windows more often than I do may have other ideas.
>> ?rnwfile <- system.file("Sweave",
"example-1.Rnw", package = "utils")
>> ?Sweave(rnwfile)
> Writing to file example-1.tex
> Processing code chunks with options ...
> ?1 : echo term verbatim
> ?2 : term verbatim pdf
> You can now run (pdf)latex on 'example-1.tex'
>> ?tools::texi2dvi("example-1.tex", pdf = TRUE)
> Error in tools::texi2dvi("example-1.tex", pdf = TRUE) :
> ?pdflatex is not available
> The code is from Sweave.pdf file in utils/doc
> I am using R-2.13.0 in Win7 ?Toshiba laptop
> Please any help?
> R.Heberto Ghezzo Ph.D.
> Montreal - Canada
> __
Sarah Goslee