On 11-04-09 10:34, dirknbr wrote:
> I am looping through various models with different combinations of
> independent variables which are stored as columns in x
> glm(y ~ ??, data=x)
> How can I pass the colnames of the selected columns of x into ?? seperating
> them with a +
> ie I want to generate
> glm(y ~ x1 + x2, data=x)
> glm(y ~ x2 + x3, data=x)
> glm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x4, data=x)
> ...
> I have tried the sedit function (sedit(colnames(current),' ','
+ ')) but glm
> doesn't understand the output.
Hi, you could try to generate the formula as a character string
and then coerce it into a formula object, since glm expects a
formula object:
vars <- names(x)
f <- as.formula(paste(vars[1], "~", paste(vars[-1],
glm(f, data=x)
Of course, the pastes in the f-line need to be adjusted in each
HTH, *S*
Sascha Vieweg, saschaview at gmail.com