Vijayan Padmanabhan
2011-Jan-11 06:45 UTC
[R] modified FAST Script from package SensoMineR for the R community - Reg
###Dear R users ###I have been using SensoMineR package from CRAN for most of my work in sensory data analysis and from my usage experience, I encountered some areas for improvement and considered ###modifying the function in SensoMineR package for my personal use. I felt that it could be useful to share this to the community for enabling adoption by other users where they might require a similar ###functionality. ###Thanks to Dr.Husson and Dr.Le for making available the above package in the first place. ###Basic utility delivered through the modified fast function: (Refer the function "fastmod" below:) ##Plotting the most relevant 6 plots from "fast" function of SensoMiner Package in a single layout (Very useful when working with Sweave or odfWeave, wherein the figure returned as result from the ##function execution can't be more than one per code chunk). The nearest workaround would mean saving each graphical output as a image and reinserting the stored image of plots through multiple ##code chunks or a code chunk executing image insert in loops.. a bit tedious i suppose!). ## Decluttering overlapping labels produced by plot.MCA and plot.MFA function in SensoMineR (Refer the functions plot.MCA2 and plot.MFA2 for this feature) ##The fastmod function includes a call to plot.MCA2 and plot.MFA2 as well so the final output is also decluttered of overlapping labels, however before calling the fastmod function a source or call to ##plot.MFA2 and plot.MCA2 is required. ## library(maptools) need to be called before calling the functions. ###plot.MFA2 Function plot.MFA2<- function (x, axes = c(1, 2), choix = "ind", ellipse = NULL, ellipse.par = NULL, lab.grpe = TRUE, lab.var = TRUE, lab.ind.moy = TRUE, lab.par = FALSE, habillage = "ind", col.hab = NULL, invisible = NULL, partial = NULL, lim.cos2.var = 0, chrono = FALSE, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, cex = 1, title = NULL, palette = NULL, new.plot = TRUE, ...) { res.mfa <- x if (!inherits(res.mfa, "MFA")) stop("non convenient data") if (is.null(palette)) palette(c("black", "red", "green3", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "darkgray", "darkgoldenrod", "darkgreen", "violet", "turquoise", "orange", "lightpink", "lavender", "yellow", "lightgreen", "lightgrey", "lightblue", "darkkhaki", "darkmagenta", "darkolivegreen", "lightcyan", "darkorange", "darkorchid", "darkred", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkslateblue", "darkslategray", "darkslategrey", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "lightgray", "lightsalmon", "lightyellow", "maroon")) lab.x <- paste("Dim ", axes[1], " (", signif(res.mfa$eig[axes[1], 2], 4), " %)", sep = "") lab.y <- paste("Dim ", axes[2], " (", signif(res.mfa$eig[axes[2], 2], 4), " %)", sep = "") group <- res.mfa$call$group nbre.grpe <- length(group) type <- res.mfa$call$type = NULL if (!is.null(res.mfa$group$coord.sup)) { <- res.mfa$call$ nbre.grpe.sup <- length( type.sup <- res.mfa$call$type[] type.act <- type[] nbre.grpe <- nbre.grpe - length( } if (choix == "axes") { if (new.plot) if (is.null(title)) title <- "Partial axes" coord.axes <- res.mfa$partial.axes$coord[, axes, drop = FALSE] plot(0, 0, xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = c(-1.1, 1.1), ylim = c(-1.1, 1.1), col = "white", asp = 1, cex = cex, main = title) x.cercle <- seq(-1, 1, by = 0.01) y.cercle <- sqrt(1 - x.cercle^2) lines(x.cercle, y = y.cercle) lines(x.cercle, y = -y.cercle) abline(v = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex) abline(h = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex) if (habillage == "group") { if (is.null(col.hab) | length(col.hab) < length(group)) { col.hab <- 2:(length(group) + 1) } i = 1 couleur.axes <- col.hab[i] auxil = strsplit(rownames(res.mfa$partial.axes$coord)[1], ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]] auxil2 = auxil[length(auxil)] for (j in 2:nrow(res.mfa$partial.axes$coord)) { auxil = strsplit(rownames(res.mfa$partial.axes$coord)[j], ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]] if (auxil2 != auxil[length(auxil)]) { i = i + 1 auxil2 = auxil[length(auxil)] } couleur.axes <- c(couleur.axes, col.hab[i]) } } else { couleur.axes <- NULL for (i in 1:length(group)) couleur.axes <- c(couleur.axes, rep("black", ncol(res.mfa$partial.axes$coord))) } for (v in 1:nrow(coord.axes)) { arrows(0, 0, coord.axes[v, 1], coord.axes[v, 2], length = 0.1, angle = 15, code = 2, col = couleur.axes[v]) if (abs(coord.axes[v, 1]) > abs(coord.axes[v, 2])) { if (coord.axes[v, 1] >= 0) pos <- 4 else pos <- 2 } else { if (coord.axes[v, 2] >= 0) pos <- 3 else pos <- 1 } text(coord.axes[v, 1], y = coord.axes[v, 2], labels = rownames(coord.axes)[v], pos = pos, col = couleur.axes[v]) } if (habillage == "group") { legend("topleft", legend = rownames(res.mfa$group$Lg)[-length(rownames(res.mfa$group$Lg))], text.col = unique(couleur.axes), cex = 0.8) } } if (choix == "group") { if (new.plot) if (is.null(title)) title <- "Groups representation" coord.actif <- res.mfa$group$coord[, axes, drop = FALSE] if (!is.null(res.mfa$group$coord.sup)) coord.illu <- res.mfa$group$coord.sup[, axes, drop = FALSE] if (is.null(col.hab)) { col.hab = rep("darkred", nrow(coord.actif)) if (!is.null(res.mfa$group$coord.sup)) col.hab = c(col.hab, rep("darkolivegreen", nrow(coord.illu))) } if (habillage == "group") col.hab <- (2:(length(group) + 1)) plot(coord.actif, xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), pch = 17, col = col.hab[1:nrow(coord.actif)], cex = cex, main = title, cex.main = cex * 1.2, asp = 1) if (lab.grpe) pointLabel(coord.actif[, 1], y = coord.actif[, 2], labels = rownames(coord.actif), allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col.hab[1:nrow(coord.actif)]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$group$coord.sup)) { points(coord.illu, pch = 17, col = col.hab[(nrow(coord.actif) + 1):(nrow(coord.actif) + nrow(coord.illu))]) if (lab.grpe) pointLabel(coord.illu[, 1], y = coord.illu[, 2], labels = rownames(coord.illu), allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE,col = col.hab[(nrow(coord.actif) + 1):(nrow(coord.actif) + nrow(coord.illu))]) } } if (choix == "var") { if (new.plot) test.invisible <- vector(length = 2) if (!is.null(invisible)) { test.invisible[1] <- match("actif", invisible) test.invisible[2] <- match("sup", invisible) } else test.invisible <- rep(NA, 2) col <- NULL if (habillage == "group") { if (is.null(col.hab) | length(col.hab) < length(group[type != "n"])) col.hab <- 2:(length(group[type != "n"]) + 1) for (i in 1:length(group[type != "n"])) col <- c(col, rep(col.hab[i], group[type != "n"][i])) } else { if (is.null(col.hab) | length(col.hab) < sum(group[type != "n"])) col <- rep(1, sum(group[type != "n"])) else col <- col.hab } if (is.null(title)) title <- "Correlation circle" plot(0, 0, main = title, xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = c(-1.1, 1.1), ylim = c(-1.1, 1.1), col = "white", asp = 1, cex = cex) x.cercle <- seq(-1, 1, by = 0.01) y.cercle <- sqrt(1 - x.cercle^2) lines(x.cercle, y = y.cercle) lines(x.cercle, y = -y.cercle) abline(v = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex) abline(h = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex) if (habillage == "group" &[1]) &[2])) legend("topleft", legend = rownames(res.mfa$group$Lg[-nrow(res.mfa$group$Lg), ])[type != "n"], text.col = col.hab, cex = 0.8) if (habillage == "group" &[1]) & ![2])) legend("topleft", legend = rownames(res.mfa$group$Lg[-c(, nrow(res.mfa$group$Lg)), ])[type.act != "n"], text.col = col.hab, cex = 0.8) if (habillage == "group" & ![1]) &[2])) legend("topleft", legend = rownames(res.mfa$group$Lg[, ])[type.sup != "n"], text.col = col.hab, cex = 0.8) nrow.coord.var <- 0 if (!is.null(res.mfa["quanti.var"]$quanti.var$coord) &[1])) { coord.var <- res.mfa$quanti.var$cor[, axes, drop = FALSE] nrow.coord.var <- nrow(coord.var) for (v in 1:nrow(coord.var)) { if (sum(res.mfa$quanti.var$cos2[v, axes], na.rm = TRUE) >= lim.cos2.var && !$quanti.var$cos2[v, axes], na.rm = TRUE))) { arrows(0, 0, coord.var[v, 1], coord.var[v, 2], length = 0.1, angle = 15, code = 2, col = col[v]) if (lab.var) { if (abs(coord.var[v, 1]) > abs(coord.var[v, 2])) { if (coord.var[v, 1] >= 0) pos <- 4 else pos <- 2 } else { if (coord.var[v, 2] >= 0) pos <- 3 else pos <- 1 } pointLabel(coord.var[v, 1], y = coord.var[v, 2], labels = rownames(coord.var)[v], allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col[v]) } } } } if (!is.null(res.mfa$quanti.var.sup$coord) &[2])) { coord.var.sup <- res.mfa$quanti.var.sup$cor[, axes, drop = FALSE] for (q in 1:nrow(coord.var.sup)) { print(sum(res.mfa$quanti.var.sup$cos2[q, axes], na.rm = TRUE)) if (sum(res.mfa$quanti.var.sup$cos2[q, axes], na.rm = TRUE) >= lim.cos2.var && !$quanti.var.sup$cos2[q, axes], na.rm = TRUE))) { arrows(0, 0, coord.var.sup[q, 1], coord.var.sup[q, 2], length = 0.1, angle = 15, code = 2, lty = 2, col = col[nrow.coord.var + q]) if (lab.var) { if (abs(coord.var.sup[q, 1]) > abs(coord.var.sup[q, 2])) { if (coord.var.sup[q, 1] >= 0) pos <- 4 else pos <- 2 } else { if (coord.var.sup[q, 2] >= 0) pos <- 3 else pos <- 1 } pointLabel(coord.var.sup[q, 1], y = coord.var.sup[q, 2], labels = rownames(coord.var.sup)[q], allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col[nrow.coord.var + q]) } } } } par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1) } if (choix == "ind") { test.invisible <- vector(length = 3) if (!is.null(invisible)) { test.invisible[1] <- match("ind", invisible) test.invisible[2] <- match("ind.sup", invisible) test.invisible[3] <- match("quali", invisible) } else test.invisible <- rep(NA, 3) nb.ind.actif <- nrow(res.mfa$ind$coord) nb.ind.illu <- 0 if (!is.null(res.mfa$ind.sup)) nb.ind.illu <- nrow(res.mfa$ind.sup$coord) nb.ind <- nb.ind.actif + nb.ind.illu coord.ind <- res.mfa$ind$coord[, axes, drop = FALSE] coord.ind.partiel <- res.mfa$ind$coord.partiel[, axes, drop = FALSE] coord.ind.sup <- NULL if (!is.null(res.mfa$ind.sup)) { coord.ind.sup <- res.mfa$ind.sup$coord[, axes, drop = FALSE] coord.ind.partiel.sup <- res.mfa$ind.sup$coord.partiel[, axes, drop = FALSE] } coord.quali <- coord.quali.sup <- coord.quali.partiel <- coord.quali.sup.partiel <- NULL nrow.coord.quali <- 0 if (!is.null(res.mfa["quali.var"]$quali.var)) { coord.quali <- res.mfa$quali.var$coord[, axes, drop = FALSE] coord.quali.partiel <- res.mfa$quali.var$coord.partiel[, axes, drop = FALSE] nrow.coord.quali <- nrow(coord.quali) } if (!is.null(res.mfa["quali.var.sup"])) { coord.quali.sup <- res.mfa$quali.var.sup$coord[, axes, drop = FALSE] coord.quali.partiel.sup <- res.mfa$quali.var.sup$coord.partiel[, axes, drop = FALSE] } group.ind.actif <- group.ind.sup <- group.quali <- group.quali.sup <- NULL if (!is.null(partial)) { if (length(partial) == 1) { if (partial == "all") { group.ind.actif <- 1:nrow(coord.ind) if (!is.null(res.mfa$ind.sup)) group.ind.sup <- 1:nrow(coord.ind.sup) if (!is.null(res.mfa["quali.var"]$quali.var)) group.quali <- 1:nrow(coord.quali) if (!is.null(res.mfa["quali.var.sup"]$quali.var.sup)) group.quali.sup <- 1:nrow(coord.quali.sup) } else { for (i in 1:length(partial)) { if (partial[i] %in% rownames(coord.ind)) group.ind.actif <- c(group.ind.actif, grep(partial[i], rownames(coord.ind))) if (partial[i] %in% rownames(coord.ind.sup)) group.ind.sup <- c(group.ind.sup, grep(partial[i], rownames(coord.ind.sup))) if (partial[i] %in% rownames(coord.quali)) group.quali <- c(group.quali, grep(partial[i], rownames(coord.quali))) if (partial[i] %in% rownames(coord.quali.sup)) group.quali.sup <- c(group.quali.sup, grep(partial[i], rownames(coord.quali.sup))) } } } else { for (i in 1:length(partial)) { if (partial[i] %in% rownames(coord.ind)) group.ind.actif <- c(group.ind.actif, grep(partial[i], rownames(coord.ind))) if (partial[i] %in% rownames(coord.ind.sup)) group.ind.sup <- c(group.ind.sup, grep(partial[i], rownames(coord.ind.sup))) if (partial[i] %in% rownames(coord.quali)) group.quali <- c(group.quali, grep(partial[i], rownames(coord.quali))) if (partial[i] %in% rownames(coord.quali.sup)) group.quali.sup <- c(group.quali.sup, grep(partial[i], rownames(coord.quali.sup))) } } } if (!is.null(ellipse)) { coord.ellipse <- ellipse$res npoint.ellipse <- ellipse$call } else coord.ellipse <- NULL if (!is.null(ellipse.par)) { coord.ellipse.par <- ellipse.par$res npoint.ellipse.par <- ellipse.par$call } else coord.ellipse.par <- NULL if (is.null(xlim)) { xmin <- xmax <- 0 if ([1])) xmin <- min(xmin, coord.ind[, 1]) if ([1])) xmax <- max(xmax, coord.ind[, 1]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$ind.sup) &[2])) xmin <- min(xmin, coord.ind.sup[, 1]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$ind.sup) &[2])) xmax <- max(xmax, coord.ind.sup[, 1]) if ([1])) xmin <- min(xmin, coord.ind.partiel[unlist(lapply(group.ind.actif, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 1]) if ([1])) xmax <- max(xmax, coord.ind.partiel[unlist(lapply(group.ind.actif, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 1]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$ind.sup) &[2])) xmin <- min(xmin, coord.ind.partiel.sup[unlist(lapply(group.ind.sup, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 1]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$ind.sup) &[2])) xmax <- max(xmax, coord.ind.partiel.sup[unlist(lapply(group.ind.sup, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 1]) if (!is.null(res.mfa["quali.var"]$quali.var) &[3])) xmin <- min(xmin, coord.quali[, 1]) if (!is.null(res.mfa["quali.var"]$quali.var) &[3])) xmax <- max(xmax, coord.quali[, 1]) if (!is.null(res.mfa["quali.var"]$quali.var) &[3])) xmin <- min(xmin, coord.quali.partiel[unlist(lapply(group.quali, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 1]) if (!is.null(res.mfa["quali.var"]$quali.var) &[3])) xmax <- max(xmax, coord.quali.partiel[unlist(lapply(group.quali, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 1]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$quali.var.sup) &[3])) xmin <- min(xmin, coord.quali[, 1], coord.quali.sup[, 1]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$quali.var.sup) &[3])) xmax <- max(xmax, coord.quali[, 1], coord.quali.sup[, 1]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$quali.var.sup) &[3])) xmin <- min(xmin, coord.quali.partiel.sup[unlist(lapply(group.quali.sup, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 1]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$quali.var.sup) &[3])) xmax <- max(xmax, coord.quali.partiel.sup[unlist(lapply(group.quali.sup, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 1]) xlim <- c(xmin, xmax) * 1.1 } else { xmin = xlim[1] xmax = xlim[2] } if (is.null(ylim)) { ymin <- ymax <- 0 if ([1])) ymin <- min(ymin, coord.ind[, 2]) if ([1])) ymax <- max(ymax, coord.ind[, 2]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$ind.sup) &[2])) ymin <- min(ymin, coord.ind.sup[, 2]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$ind.sup) &[2])) ymax <- max(ymax, coord.ind.sup[, 2]) if ([1])) ymin <- min(ymin, coord.ind.partiel[unlist(lapply(group.ind.actif, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 2]) if ([1])) ymax <- max(ymax, coord.ind.partiel[unlist(lapply(group.ind.actif, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 2]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$ind.sup) &[2])) ymin <- min(ymin, coord.ind.partiel.sup[unlist(lapply(group.ind.sup, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 2]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$ind.sup) &[2])) ymax <- max(ymax, coord.ind.partiel.sup[unlist(lapply(group.ind.sup, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 2]) if (!is.null(res.mfa["quali.var"]$quali.var) &[3])) ymin <- min(ymin, coord.quali[, 2]) if (!is.null(res.mfa["quali.var"]$quali.var) &[3])) ymax <- max(ymax, coord.quali[, 2]) if (!is.null(res.mfa["quali.var"]$quali.var) &[3])) ymin <- min(ymin, coord.quali.partiel[unlist(lapply(group.quali, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 2]) if (!is.null(res.mfa["quali.var"]$quali.var) &[3])) ymax <- max(ymax, coord.quali.partiel[unlist(lapply(group.quali, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 2]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$quali.var.sup) &[3])) ymin <- min(ymin, coord.quali[, 1], coord.quali.sup[, 2]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$quali.var.sup) &[3])) ymax <- max(ymax, coord.quali[, 1], coord.quali.sup[, 2]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$quali.var.sup) &[3])) ymin <- min(ymin, coord.quali.partiel.sup[unlist(lapply(group.quali.sup, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 2]) if (!is.null(res.mfa$quali.var.sup) &[3])) ymax <- max(ymax, coord.quali.partiel.sup[unlist(lapply(group.quali.sup, function(k) seq(nbre.grpe * (k - 1) + 1, length = nbre.grpe))), 2]) ylim <- c(ymin, ymax) * 1.1 } else { ymin = ylim[1] ymax = ylim[2] } if (habillage == "group") { if (is.null(col.hab) | length(col.hab) != (nbre.grpe)) col.hab <- 2:(nbre.grpe + 1) col.ind <- c(rep(1, nb.ind.actif), rep(col.hab, nb.ind.actif)) if (!is.null(res.mfa$ind.sup)) col.ind.sup <- c(rep(1, nb.ind - nb.ind.actif), rep(col.hab, nb.ind - nb.ind.actif)) if (length(group[type == "n"]) != 0) col.quali <- c(rep(1, sum(res.mfa$call$group.mod[type == "n"])), rep(col.hab, sum(res.mfa$call$group.mod[type == "n"]))) if (!is.null(res.mfa$quali.var.sup)) col.quali.sup <- c(rep(1, sum(res.mfa$call$group.mod[][type.sup == "n"])), rep(col.hab, sum(res.mfa$call$group.mod[][type.sup == "n"]))) if (!is.null(ellipse)) col.ellipse <- rep(1, nb.ind.actif) if (!is.null(ellipse.par)) col.ellipse.par <- rep(col.hab, nb.ind.actif) } if (habillage == "ind") { if (is.null(col.hab) | length(col.hab) != nb.ind) { col.hab <- 1:nb.ind } col.ind <- c(col.hab[1:nb.ind.actif], rep(col.hab[1:nb.ind.actif], each = nbre.grpe)) if (!is.null(res.mfa$ind.sup)) col.ind.sup <- c(col.hab[(nb.ind.actif + 1):nb.ind], rep(col.hab[(nb.ind.actif + 1):nb.ind], each = nbre.grpe)) if (length(group[type == "n"]) != 0) col.quali <- col.quali.sup <- rep("black", (1 + nbre.grpe) * sum(res.mfa$call$group.mod[type == "n"])) if (!is.null(ellipse)) col.ellipse <- col.hab[1:nb.ind.actif] if (!is.null(ellipse.par)) col.ellipse.par <- rep(col.hab[1:nb.ind.actif], each = nbre.grpe) } if ((habillage != "none") & (habillage != "ind") & (habillage != "group")) { group.act <- (1:length(group)) if (!is.null( group.act <- group.act[] nbre.modalite <- NULL liste.quali <- NULL for (i in group.act) { if (type[i] == "n") { for (k in 1:ncol(res.mfa$separate.analyses[[i]]$call$X)) nbre.modalite <- c(nbre.modalite, nlevels(res.mfa$separate.analyses[[i]]$call$X[, k])) if (i == 1) liste.quali <- c(liste.quali, colnames(res.mfa$call$X[1:group[1]])) else liste.quali <- c(liste.quali, colnames(res.mfa$call$X[(sum(group[1:(i - 1)]) + 1):sum(group[1:i])])) } } if (!is.null( { for (i in { if (type[i] == "n") { if (i == 1) liste.quali <- c(liste.quali, colnames(res.mfa$call$X[1:group[1]])) else liste.quali <- c(liste.quali, colnames(res.mfa$call$X[(sum(group[1:(i - 1)]) + 1):sum(group[1:i])])) for (k in 1:ncol(res.mfa$separate.analyses[[i]]$call$X)) nbre.modalite <- c(nbre.modalite, nlevels(res.mfa$separate.analyses[[i]]$call$X[, k])) } } } if (is.double(habillage)) nom.quali <- colnames(res.mfa$call$X)[habillage] else nom.quali = habillage if (!(nom.quali %in% liste.quali)) stop("The variable ", habillage, " is not qualitative") modalite <- levels(as.factor(res.mfa$call$X[, nom.quali])) col.ind <- as.numeric(as.factor(res.mfa$call$X[, nom.quali])) if (is.null(col.hab) | length(col.hab) != length(modalite)) col.hab <- 2:(1 + length(modalite)) col.ind <- col.hab[col.ind] if (!is.null(res.mfa$call$ind.sup)) { col.ind.sup <- col.ind[res.mfa$call$ind.sup] col.ind <- col.ind[-res.mfa$call$ind.sup] col.ind.sup <- c(col.ind.sup, rep(col.ind.sup, each = nbre.grpe)) } col.ind <- c(col.ind, rep(col.ind, each = nbre.grpe)) col.ellipse <- col.ind[1:nb.ind.actif] col.ellipse.par <- col.ind[-c(1:nb.ind.actif)] indice.inf <- sum(nbre.modalite[0:(match(nom.quali, liste.quali) - 1)]) + 1 indice.sup <- indice.inf + length(modalite) - 1 col.quali <- rep("black", sum(res.mfa$call$group.mod[type == "n"])) if (length(group[type == "n"]) != 0) { for (i in 1:length(liste.quali)) { if (liste.quali[i] == nom.quali) col.quali[indice.inf:indice.sup] <- col.hab } } col.quali <- c(col.quali, rep(col.quali, each = nbre.grpe)) col.quali.sup <- col.quali } if (habillage == "none") col.ind <- col.ind.sup <- col.quali.sup <- col.quali <- col.ellipse <- col.ellipse.par <- rep("black", nb.ind * (nbre.grpe + 1)) if (new.plot) = min(14, max(8, 8 * (xmax - xmin)/(ymax - ymin))), height = 8) if (is.null(title)) title <- "Individual factor map" plot(0, 0, main = title, xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col = "white", asp = 1, cex = cex) abline(v = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex) abline(h = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex) if ([1])) { points(coord.ind, pch = 20, col = col.ind[1:nb.ind.actif], cex = cex) if (lab.ind.moy) pointLabel(coord.ind[, 1], y = coord.ind[, 2], labels = rownames(coord.ind), allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col.ind[1:nb.ind.actif]) for (i in group.ind.actif) { for (j in 1:nbre.grpe) { points(coord.ind.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, ], cex = 0.8 * cex, col = col.ind[nb.ind.actif + (i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j], pch = 20) if (lab.par) pointLabel(coord.ind.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 1], y = coord.ind.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 2], labels = rownames(coord.ind.partiel)[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j], allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col.ind[nb.ind.actif + (i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j]) if (chrono) { if (j > 1) lines(c(coord.ind.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + (j - 1), 1], coord.ind.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 1]), c(coord.ind.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + (j - 1), 2], coord.ind.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 2]), col = col.ind[i]) } else lines(c(coord.ind[i, 1], coord.ind.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 1]), c(coord.ind[i, 2], coord.ind.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 2]), col = col.ind[nb.ind.actif + (i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j], lty = j) } } } if (!is.null(res.mfa$ind.sup) &[2])) { points(coord.ind.sup, pch = 21, col = col.ind.sup[1:(nb.ind - nb.ind.actif)], cex = cex) if (lab.ind.moy) pointLabel(coord.ind.sup[, 1], y = coord.ind.sup[, 2], labels = rownames(coord.ind.sup), allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col.ind.sup[1:(nb.ind - nb.ind.actif)]) for (i in group.ind.sup) { for (j in 1:nbre.grpe) { points(coord.ind.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, ], cex = 0.8 * cex, col = col.ind.sup[nb.ind - nb.ind.actif + (i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j], pch = 21) if (lab.par) pointLabel(coord.ind.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 1], y = coord.ind.partiel.sup[nb.ind + (i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 2], labels = rownames(coord.ind.partiel.sup)[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j], allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col.ind.sup[nb.ind - nb.ind.actif + (i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j]) if (chrono) { if (j > 1) lines(c(coord.ind.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + (j - 1), 1], coord.ind.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 1]), c(coord.ind.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + (j - 1), 2], coord.ind.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 2]), col = col.ind[nb.ind.actif + i]) } else lines(c(coord.ind.sup[i, 1], coord.ind.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 1]), c(coord.ind.sup[i, 2], coord.ind.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 2]), col = col.ind.sup[nb.ind - nb.ind.actif + (i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j], lty = j) } } } if (!is.null(coord.quali) &[3])) { points(coord.quali, pch = 15, col = col.quali[1:nrow.coord.quali], cex = cex) if (lab.var) pointLabel(coord.quali[, 1], y = coord.quali[, 2], labels = rownames(coord.quali), allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col.quali[1:nrow.coord.quali]) for (i in group.quali) { for (j in 1:nbre.grpe) { points(coord.quali.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, ], pch = 15, col = col.quali[nrow.coord.quali + (i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j], cex = cex * 0.8) if (lab.var & lab.par) pointLabel(coord.quali.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 1], y = coord.quali.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 2], labels = rownames(coord.quali.partiel)[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j],allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col.quali[nrow.coord.quali + (i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j]) if (chrono) { if (j > 1) lines(c(coord.quali.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + (j - 1), 1], coord.quali.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 1]), c(coord.quali.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + (j - 1), 2], coord.quali.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 2]), col = col.quali[i]) } else lines(c(coord.quali[i, 1], coord.quali.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 1]), c(coord.quali[i, 2], coord.quali.partiel[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 2]), col = col.quali[nrow.coord.quali + (i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j], lty = j) } } } if (!is.null(coord.quali.sup) &[3])) { points(coord.quali.sup, pch = 22, col = col.quali.sup[1:nrow(coord.quali.sup)], cex = cex) if (lab.var) pointLabel(coord.quali.sup[, 1], y = coord.quali.sup[, 2], labels = rownames(coord.quali.sup), allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col.quali.sup[1:nrow(coord.quali.sup)]) for (i in group.quali.sup) { for (j in 1:nbre.grpe) { points(coord.quali.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, ], pch = 22, col = col.quali.sup[nrow(coord.quali.sup) + (i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j], cex = cex * 0.8) if (lab.var & lab.par) pointLabel(coord.quali.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 1], y = coord.quali.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 2], labels = rownames(coord.quali.partiel.sup)[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j], allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col.quali.sup[nrow(coord.quali.sup) + (i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j]) if (chrono) { if (j > 1) lines(c(coord.quali.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + (j - 1), 1], coord.quali.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 1]), c(coord.quali.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + (j - 1), 2], coord.quali.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 2]), col = col.quali[nrow.coord.quali + i]) } else lines(c(coord.quali.sup[i, 1], coord.quali.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 1]), c(coord.quali.sup[i, 2], coord.quali.partiel.sup[(i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j, 2]), col = col.quali.sup[nrow(coord.quali.sup) + (i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j], lty = j) } } } if ((!is.null(partial)) & (habillage == "group")) legend("topleft", legend = rownames(res.mfa$group$Lg)[-c(, length(rownames(res.mfa$group$Lg)))], lty = 1:length(rownames(res.mfa$group$Lg)[-c(, length(rownames(res.mfa$group$Lg)))]), text.col = col.hab, col = col.hab, cex = 0.8) if ((!is.null(partial)) & (habillage != "group")) legend("topleft", legend = rownames(res.mfa$group$Lg)[-c(, length(rownames(res.mfa$group$Lg)))], lty = 1:length(rownames(res.mfa$group$Lg)[-c(, length(rownames(res.mfa$group$Lg)))]), cex = 0.8) if ((habillage != "none") & (habillage != "ind") & (habillage != "group")) legend("topleft", legend = levels(res.mfa$call$X[, habillage]), text.col = col.hab, cex = 0.8) if (!is.null(coord.ellipse) &[2])) { for (e in 1:nb.ind.actif) { debut <- ((nb.ind.actif - 1) * npoint.ellipse) + 1 fin <- debut + npoint.ellipse - 1 data.elli <- coord.ellipse[debut:fin, -1] lines(data.elli[, 1], y = data.elli[, 2], col = col.ellipse[e]) } } if (!is.null(coord.ellipse)) { for (e in 1:nlevels(coord.ellipse[, 1])) { data.elli <- coord.ellipse[(npoint.ellipse * (e - 1) + 1):(npoint.ellipse * e), -1] lines(data.elli[, 1], y = data.elli[, 2], col = col.ellipse[e]) } } if (!is.null(coord.ellipse.par)) { for (i in group.ind.actif) { for (j in 1:nbre.grpe) { ind.e <- (i - 1) * nbre.grpe + j data.elli <- coord.ellipse.par[(npoint.ellipse.par * (ind.e - 1) + 1):(npoint.ellipse.par * ind.e), -1] lines(data.elli[, 1], y = data.elli[, 2], col = col.ellipse.par[ind.e], lty = 2) } } } } ###plot.MCA2 Function plot.MCA2<- function (x, axes = c(1, 2), choix = "ind", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, invisible = NULL, col.ind = "blue", col.var = "red", col.quali.sup = "darkgreen", col.ind.sup = "darkblue", col.quanti.sup = "black", label = "all", cex = 1, title = NULL, habillage = "none", palette = NULL, new.plot = TRUE, ...) { res.mca <- x if (!inherits(res.mca, "MCA")) stop("non convenient data") if (is.null(palette)) palette(c("black", "red", "green3", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "darkgray", "darkgoldenrod", "darkgreen", "violet", "turquoise", "orange", "lightpink", "lavender", "yellow", "lightgreen", "lightgrey", "lightblue", "darkkhaki", "darkmagenta", "darkolivegreen", "lightcyan", "darkorange", "darkorchid", "darkred", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkslateblue", "darkslategray", "darkslategrey", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "lightgray", "lightsalmon", "lightyellow", "maroon")) lab.x = paste("Dim ", axes[1], " (", signif(res.mca$eig[axes[1], 2], 4), "%)", sep = "") lab.y = paste("Dim ", axes[2], " (", signif(res.mca$eig[axes[2], 2], 4), "%)", sep = "") if (choix == "ind") { lab.ind <- lab.var <- lab.quali.sup <- lab.ind.sup <- FALSE if (length(label) == 1 && label == "all") lab.ind <- lab.var <- lab.quali.sup <- lab.ind.sup <- TRUE if ("ind" %in% label) lab.ind <- TRUE if ("var" %in% label) lab.var <- TRUE if ("quali.sup" %in% label) lab.quali.sup <- TRUE if ("ind.sup" %in% label) lab.ind.sup <- TRUE test.invisible <- vector(length = 5) if (!is.null(invisible)) { test.invisible[1] <- match("ind", invisible) test.invisible[2] <- match("var", invisible) test.invisible[3] <- match("quanti.sup", invisible) test.invisible[4] <- match("ind.sup", invisible) test.invisible[5] <- match("quali.sup", invisible) } else test.invisible <- rep(NA, 5) coord.var <- res.mca$var$coord[, axes] coord.ind <- res.mca$ind$coord[, axes] coord.ind.sup <- coord.quali.sup <- NULL if (!is.null(res.mca$ind.sup)) coord.ind.sup <- res.mca$ind.sup$coord[, axes] if (!is.null(res.mca$quali.sup)) coord.quali.sup <- res.mca$quali.sup$coord[, axes] if (is.null(xlim)) { xmin <- xmax <- 0 if ([1])) xmin <- min(xmin, coord.ind[, 1]) if ([1])) xmax <- max(xmax, coord.ind[, 1]) if ([4])) xmin <- min(xmin, coord.ind.sup[, 1]) if ([4])) xmax <- max(xmax, coord.ind.sup[, 1]) if ([2])) xmin <- min(xmin, coord.var[, 1]) if ([2])) xmax <- max(xmax, coord.var[, 1]) if ([5])) xmin <- min(xmin, coord.quali.sup[, 1]) if ([5])) xmax <- max(xmax, coord.quali.sup[, 1]) xlim <- c(xmin, xmax) * 1.2 } else { xmin = xlim[1] xmax = xlim[2] } if (is.null(ylim)) { ymin <- ymax <- 0 if ([1])) ymin <- min(ymin, coord.ind[, 2]) if ([1])) ymax <- max(ymax, coord.ind[, 2]) if ([4])) ymin <- min(ymin, coord.ind.sup[, 2]) if ([4])) ymax <- max(ymax, coord.ind.sup[, 2]) if ([2])) ymin <- min(ymin, coord.var[, 2]) if ([2])) ymax <- max(ymax, coord.var[, 2]) if ([5])) ymin <- min(ymin, coord.quali.sup[, 2]) if ([5])) ymax <- max(ymax, coord.quali.sup[, 2]) ylim <- c(ymin, ymax) * 1.2 } else { ymin = ylim[1] ymax = ylim[2] } if (habillage == "quali") { aux = 1 col.var = NULL for (j in res.mca$call$quali) { col.var <- c(col.var, rep(aux, nlevels(res.mca$call$X[, j]))) aux = aux + 1 } if (!is.null(res.mca$call$quali.sup)) { col.quali.sup = NULL for (j in res.mca$call$quali.sup) { col.quali.sup <- c(col.quali.sup, rep(aux, nlevels(res.mca$call$X[, j]))) aux = aux + 1 } } } if ((habillage != "none") & (habillage != "quali")) { if (!is.factor(res.mca$call$X[, habillage])) stop("The variable ", habillage, " is not qualitative") col.ind <- as.numeric(as.factor(res.mca$call$X[, habillage])) n.mod <- nlevels(as.factor(res.mca$call$X[, habillage])) col.ind.sup <- col.ind[res.mca$call$ind.sup] if (!is.null(res.mca$call$ind.sup)) col.ind <- col.ind[-res.mca$call$ind.sup] } titre = title if (is.null(title)) titre <- "MCA factor map" if ([1]) |[2]) |[4]) |[5])) { if (new.plot) = min(14, max(8, 8 * (xmax - xmin)/(ymax - ymin))), height = 8) plot(0, 0, main = titre, xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col = "white", asp = 1, cex = cex) abline(v = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex) abline(h = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex) if ([1])) { points(coord.ind, pch = 16, col = col.ind, cex = cex) if (lab.ind) pointLabel(coord.ind[, 1], y = coord.ind[, 2], labels = rownames(coord.ind), allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col.ind, cex = cex) } if ([2])) { points(coord.var[, 1], y = coord.var[, 2], pch = 17, col = col.var, cex = cex) if (lab.var) pointLabel(coord.var[, 1], y = coord.var[, 2], labels = rownames(coord.var), allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE,col = col.var, cex = cex) } if (!is.null(res.mca$quali.sup) &[5])) { points(coord.quali.sup[, 1], y = coord.quali.sup[, 2], pch = 17, col = col.quali.sup, cex = cex) if (lab.quali.sup) pointLabel(coord.quali.sup[, 1], y = coord.quali.sup[, 2], labels = rownames(coord.quali.sup), allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col.quali.sup, cex = cex) } if (!is.null(res.mca$ind.sup) &[4])) { points(coord.ind.sup[, 1], y = coord.ind.sup[, 2], pch = 16, col = col.ind.sup, cex = cex) if (lab.ind.sup) pointLabel(coord.ind.sup[, 1], y = coord.ind.sup[, 2], labels = rownames(coord.ind.sup), allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col.ind.sup, cex = cex) } if ((habillage != "none") & (habillage != "quali") & ([1]) |[2]))) legend("topleft", legend = levels(res.mca$call$X[, habillage]), text.col = 1:n.mod, cex = 0.8) } } if (choix == "quanti.sup") { if (!is.null(res.mca$quanti.sup)) { if (new.plot) if (is.null(title)) title <- "Supplementary variables on the MCA factor map" plot(0, 0, main = title, xlab = paste("Dim ", axes[1], " (", signif(res.mca$eig[axes[1], 2], 4), "%)", sep = ""), ylab = paste("Dim ", axes[2], " (", signif(res.mca$eig[axes[2], 2], 4), "%)", sep = ""), xlim = c(-1.1, 1.1), ylim = c(-1.1, 1.1), col = "white", asp = 1, cex = cex) abline(v = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex) abline(h = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex) x.cercle <- seq(-1, 1, by = 0.01) y.cercle <- sqrt(1 - x.cercle^2) lines(x.cercle, y = y.cercle) lines(x.cercle, y = -y.cercle) for (v in 1:nrow(res.mca$quanti.sup$coord)) { arrows(0, 0, res.mca$quanti.sup$coord[v, axes[1]], res.mca$quanti.sup$coord[v, axes[2]], length = 0.1, angle = 15, code = 2, col = col.quanti.sup) if (abs(res.mca$quanti.sup$coord[v, axes[1]]) > abs(res.mca$quanti.sup$coord[v, axes[2]])) { if (res.mca$quanti.sup$coord[v, axes[1]] >= 0) pos <- 4 else pos <- 2 } else { if (res.mca$quanti.sup$coord[v, axes[2]] >= 0) pos <- 3 else pos <- 1 } if ((!is.null(label)) && (label == "all" | "quanti.sup" %in% label)) { pointLabel(res.mca$quanti.sup$coord[v, axes[1]], y = res.mca$quanti.sup$coord[v, axes[2]], labels = rownames(res.mca$quanti.sup$coord)[v], allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE,cex = cex, col = col.quanti.sup) } } } } if (choix == "var") { lab.var <- lab.quali.sup <- FALSE if (length(label) == 1 && label == "all") lab.var <- lab.quali.sup <- TRUE if ("var" %in% label) lab.var <- TRUE if ("quali.sup" %in% label) lab.quali.sup <- TRUE test.invisible <- vector(length = 2) if (!is.null(invisible)) { test.invisible[1] <- match("var", invisible) test.invisible[2] <- match("quali.sup", invisible) } else test.invisible <- rep(NA, 2) if (new.plot) if (is.null(title)) title <- "Variables representation" coord.actif <- res.mca$var$eta2[, axes] if (!is.null(res.mca$quali.sup$eta2)) coord.illu <- res.mca$quali.sup$eta2[, axes, drop = FALSE] if ([1])) { plot(coord.actif, xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), pch = 20, col = col.var, cex = cex, main = title, cex.main = cex * 1.2, asp = 1) if (lab.var) pointLabel(coord.actif[, 1], y = coord.actif[, 2], labels = rownames(coord.actif), allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col.var) } if ((!is.null(res.mca$quali.sup$eta2)) && ([2]))) { if (![1])) plot(coord.illu, xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), pch = 20, col = col.quali.sup, cex = cex, main = title, cex.main = cex * 1.2, asp = 1) else points(coord.illu, pch = 20, col = col.quali.sup) if (lab.quali.sup) pointLabel(coord.illu[, 1], y = coord.illu[, 2], labels = rownames(coord.illu), allowSmallOverlap=FALSE,trace=FALSE,doPlot=TRUE, col = col.quali.sup) } } ## fastmod function fastmod<-function (don, alpha = 0.05, mot_min = 2, graph = TRUE, ncp = 5, B = 200) { don = I = nrow(don) J = ncol(don) for (i in 1:J) { don[, i] = as.factor(don[, i]) } acm = MCA(don, graph = F, ncp = ncp) if (graph) { layout(rbind(c(1,1,2,2,3,3),c(4,4,5,5,6,6))) ##plot.MCA2(acm, choix = "ind", invisible = "var",new.plot=FALSE) plot.MCA2(acm, choix = "ind", invisible = "ind",new.plot=FALSE) plot.MCA2(acm, choix = "ind",new.plot=FALSE) } X = 0.05 tab = as.matrix(acm$var$v.test) vtestmean1 = mean(tab[, 1]) vtestmean2 = mean(tab[, 2]) vtestsd1 = sd(tab[, 1]) vtestsd2 = sd(tab[, 2]) seuil1 = vtestmean1 + vtestsd1 seuil2 = vtestmean2 + vtestsd2 modext = which(abs(tab[, 1]) >= seuil1 | abs(tab[, 2]) >= seuil2) tab2 = which(abs(tab[, 1]) < seuil1 & abs(tab[, 2]) < seuil2) modmoy = tab2[sample(1:length(tab2), X * length(tab2))] mod_kept = cbind(t(modext), t(modmoy)) res = acm res$var$coord = acm$var$coord[mod_kept, ] res$var$cos2 = acm$var$cos2[mod_kept, ] res$var$contrib = acm$var$contrib[mod_kept, ] res$var$v.test = acm$var$v.test[mod_kept, ] if (graph) { ##plot.MCA2(res, choix = "ind", invisible = "ind",new.plot=FALSE) } compte = matrix(0, I, I) for (i in 1:J) { for (j in 1:I) { for (k in j:I) { if (don[j, i] == don[k, i]) { compte[j, k] = compte[j, k] + 1 } } } } for (i in 1:I) { for (j in i:I) { compte[j, i] = compte[i, j] } } colnames(compte) = rownames(compte) = rownames(don) chi2_t = function(x, y) { obs = table(x, y) chi = matrix(NA, length(levels(x)), length(levels(y))) for (i in 1:length(levels(x))) { for (j in 1:length(levels(y))) { chi[i, j] = (obs[i, j] - (sum(obs[i, ]) * sum(obs[, j])/length(x)))^2/(sum(obs[i, ]) * sum(obs[, j])/length(x)) } } chi2 = sum(rowSums(chi)) return(chi2) } cramer = function(x, y) { chi2 = chi2_t(x, y) n = length(x) p = length(levels(x)) q = length(levels(y)) m = min(p - 1, q - 1) V = sqrt(chi2/(n * m)) return(V) } res = matrix(NA, J, J) for (i in 1:J) { for (j in i:J) { res[i, j] = res[j, i] = cramer(don[, i], don[, j]) } } colnames(res) = rownames(res) = colnames(don) afc = CA(res, graph = F) ord = order(afc$row$coord[, 1]) res2 = res[ord, ] res2 = res2[, ord] afm = MFA(don, group = rep(1, J), type = rep("n", J), graph = F, = colnames(don)) if (graph) { plot.MFA2(afm, choix = "group",new.plot=FALSE) } ordre_prod = order(acm$ind$coord[, 1]) out = matrix(NA, I, J) lev = rep(NA, J) for (i in 1:J) { lev[i] = length(levels(don[, i])) } tdc = tab.disjonctif(don) gp = 0 for (i in 1:J) { conc = cbind(c(1:lev[i]), acm$var$coord[(1 + gp):(gp + lev[i]), 1]) o = order(conc[, 2]) conc2 = cbind(conc[o, ], c(1:lev[i])) o2 = order(conc2[, 1]) conc3 = conc2[o2, ] out[, i] = tdc[, (1 + gp):(gp + lev[i])] %*% conc3[, 3] gp = gp + lev[i] } out = data.frame(out) for (i in 1:J) { out[, i] = as.factor(out[, i]) } catego_num2 = out[ordre_prod, ] catego_num2 = catego_num2[, ord] rownames(catego_num2) = rownames(don)[ordre_prod] colnames(catego_num2) = colnames(don)[ord] compte2 = compte[ordre_prod, ] compte2 = compte2[, ordre_prod] lev2 = as.factor(lev) if (graph) { ##x11() plot(lev2, main = "Number of groups formed from sorting tasks") } out1 = matrix(NA, (I * J), 4) lev = rep(NA, J) for (i in 1:J) { lev[i] = length(levels(don[, i])) } tdc = tab.disjonctif(don) gp = 0 for (i in 1:J) { out1[((i - 1) * I + 1):(i * I), 1:2] = tdc[, (1 + gp):(gp + lev[i])] %*% acm$var$coord[(1 + gp):(gp + lev[i]), 1:2] gp = gp + lev[i] } prod = rep(rownames(don), J) jug = rep(colnames(don), each = I) out2 = data.frame(out1) out2[, 3] = prod out2[, 4] = jug out2[, 3] = as.factor(out2[, 3]) out2[, 4] = as.factor(out2[, 4]) d12 = acm$ind$coord[, 1:2] pr = rownames(don) ju = rep("0", I) out22 = data.frame(d12, pr, ju) colnames(out22) = colnames(out2) out3 = rbind(out22, out2) out3[, 3] = as.factor(out3[, 3]) out3[, 4] = as.factor(out3[, 4]) out4 = out3 out4[-c(1:I), 1] = out3[-c(1:I), 1]/sqrt(acm$eig[1, 1]) out4[-c(1:I), 2] = out3[-c(1:I), 2]/sqrt(acm$eig[2, 1]) out5 = out4 out5$moyen = out5 sim = simulation(out5, nbsimul = B) if (graph) { ##x11() plotellipse(sim, alpha = alpha, eig = signif(acm$eig, 4)) } texte = matrix(NA, (I * J), 3) texte = data.frame(texte) texte[, 1] = rep(rownames(don), J) texte[, 2] = rep(colnames(don), each = I) for (i in 1:J) { texte[((I * (i - 1)) + 1):(I * i), 3] = paste(don[, i]) } nbp = strsplit(summary(don, maxsum = max(lev)), ":") agg = rep(0, J * max(lev)) for (i in 1:(J * max(lev))) { agg[i] = nbp[[i]][2] } agg2 = na.omit(agg) agg2 = as.factor(agg2) if (graph) { ##x11() plot(agg2, main = "Number of products per group") } acm_call = list(X = acm$call$X, marge.col = acm$call$marge.col, marge.row = acm$call$marge.row, ncp = acm$call$ncp, quali = acm$call$quali, = afm$call$, sim = sim) group_afm = list(coord = afm$group$coord, cos2 = afm$group$cos2, contrib = afm$group$contrib) res = list(eig = acm$eig, var = acm$var, ind = acm$ind, group = group_afm, call = acm_call, cooccur = compte2, reord = catego_num2, cramer = res2) class(res) <- c("catego", "list ") return(res) } Regards Vijayan Padmanabhan "What is expressed without proof can be denied without proof" - Euclide. 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