Carlos Montenegro
2011-Jan-10 19:26 UTC
[R] Error: package 'akima' is not installed for 'arch=i386'
Dear R users, I am having problems loading the akima package. I use Windows XP, and R version 2.12.1. When I try to load the package I get this error message: Error: package ''akima'' is not installed for ''arch=i386'' Any help appreciated and thanks you for your time. Carlos Montenegro Silva Magíster en Estadística Departamento Evaluación de Recursos División Investigación Pesquera Instituto de Fomento Pesquero ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Certificacion ISO 9001/2000: Sistema de Datos Bio-Pesqueros (Iquique, Valparaiso y Talcahuano) Acreditacion INN - ISO 17025: Determinacion de la edad de jurel y merluza comun [[alternative HTML version deleted]]