similar to: Error: package 'akima' is not installed for 'arch=i386'

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2013 Nov 13
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 57, Envío 13
por favor alguien podria ayudarme con el paquete climatol, tengo ulgunos problemas para ingresar la informaciòn gracias El 13 de noviembre de 2013 14:49, <>escribió: > Envíe los mensajes para la lista R-help-es a > > > Para subscribirse o anular su subscripción a través de la WEB >
2005 Jul 12
Please help me.....
Hi user R, I am try to calculate the spectrum function in two time series. But when plot a single serie, the labels in axes x is in the range 0.1 to 0.6 (frequency), but when calculate de spectrum with ts.union function, the labels x is in the range 1 to 6. I not understand why change the labels, and not know that is ralationship. Samebody can hel me in this analysis..... Thank for all fdo
2005 Oct 06
Simple question.....
Hi all user R, My simple question is...I have a vector of names of predictors, text<-c("datem","cola","eslom")...I try to plot the model with this predictor in sequence loop...., for(i in 1:3){ png(paste("fig_",i,sep="")) plot(preplot.gam(mod9)[[i]],se=T,rug=F,main="",xaxt="n",ylab="",xlab="")
2006 Jun 09
How add degree character in axis?
Hi user R, I am try to put degree character in axis x, but don't make this. I have the next code: plot(mot[,5], time1,xlim=c(-45,-10),type="l",yaxt="n",ylab="",col=1,lwd=2,xlab="",xaxt="n") The range of value in axis-x is -45 to -10, this values represents the longitudes positions in space. I try to put 45?S for real value (-45) in
2013 Nov 12
determinacion del tamaño de la muestra
Buen dia, estoy buscando algun paquete en R q me permita determinar el tamaño de la muestra para un muestreo estratificado con probabilidad proporcional al tamaño (pps). Alguien me podria decir si conoce y uso alguno? Gracias -- *"...después de todo tú eres, la única no te saltas nunca darás un solo paso..."* L. A. Spinetta [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Nov 13
determinacion del tamaño de la muestra
Gracias Javier, algunos habia visto Creo q lo hare a mano nomas Saludos El 13 de noviembre de 2013 10:29, Javier Villacampa González <> escribió: > Yo no conozco ningún paquete para hacer esto aunque probablemente exista. > De todas maneras las cuentas de este tipo de calculos no suelen ser > complicadas. Personalmente le recomendaría pasarse
2013 Nov 13
determinacion del tamaño de la muestra
Yo no conozco ningún paquete para hacer esto aunque probablemente exista. De todas maneras las cuentas de este tipo de calculos no suelen ser complicadas. Personalmente le recomendaría pasarse por una biblioteca y adquirir el siguiente libro donde explica con todo lujo de detalles, en castellano y simpliciddad como hacer estos calculos
2006 Jan 25
Interpolating spline problems and akima
Hi everyone I was using spline to interpolate single or two consecutive missing data points in time series. However, when it comes to longer gaps in the data the spline function generate new data for both my known and unknown data (see below). Aside from not understanding why this happens, I thought thought I might try function "aspline" in library (akima). However, I cannot install or
2004 Oct 28
akima error
I am trying to load the GRASS library and am getting the following error: > library(GRASS) Loading required package: akima Error: package 'akima' could not be loaded In addition: Warning message: There is no package called 'akima' in: library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc) This is on R 2.0.0, library(GRASS) is installed, and update.packages()
2007 Jun 07
Using Akima with nearly-gridded data
I am using the Akima interpolation package to generate an interpolated color contour plot. It is working very well, except for one problem. The data that I have represents real-time readings from a thermistor string vs. time, so the data points are often very nearly in a rectangular array, since the thermistors are read at regular time intervals and they are equally spaced physically.
2011 Oct 19
AKIMA color contouring
R Users, I am using the AKIMA contrib package to generate a 2D colored contour plot. The code generates a contour value color legend adjacent the plot based on the range of Z values in the plot. Is there some way to make the association between Z values and color scale absolute rather than relative i.e., I want dark green to always mean Z = 4.00 even if I don't
2011 Feb 10
problem with R (akima, fUtilities) in Ubuntu 10.04
Dear all! I'm using R 2.12.1 in Ubuntu 10.04. Problem is that when using functions like interp (package akima) and akimaInterp (package fUtilities), I get different results every time for the same data set. I've checked the interpolated results, and two examples (in attachment) have different sum of NA values. Also when I subtract the x,y,z values from two interpolations of the same data
2008 May 29
akima interpolation and triangulation question
Dear all; First of all, this is probably a more conceptual question than a R-related one, but still want to give it a try. When working with the interpolation function "interp" from the package akima and the triangulation function "tri.mesh" from package tripack I've got NA's for the interpolation and "error" for the triangulation. The data is arranged in a
2023 Jan 26
akima interp results to zero with less than 10 values
Dear all I have this table > dput(mat) mat <- structure(c(2, 16, 9, 2, 16, 1, 1, 4, 7, 7, 44.52, 42.8, 43.54, 40.26, 40.09), dim = c(5L, 3L)) And I want to calculate result for contour or image plots as I did few years ago. However interp does not compute the z values and gives me zeros in z matrix. library(akima) > interp(mat[,1], mat[,2], mat[, 3], nx=5, ny=5) $x [1] 2.0 5.5
2011 Mar 18
akima::interp "scales of x and y are too dissimilar"
Dear R users, I want to do a fitted.contour plot of selected columns of a dataframe M with M$AM and M$Irradiance as x and y axes respectively. The level of the contour shall be determined by M$PR. Some words on my data first. Dataframe M looks like: head(M$Irradiance) [1] 293 350 412 419 477 509 head(M$AM) [1] 2.407 2.161 1.964 1.805 1.673 1.563 head(M$PR) [1] 70.102 72.600 75.097 80.167
2005 Oct 03
interpolation using akima (PR#8174)
Full_Name: Jonathan Lees Version: 2.0.1 OS: linux-gnu Submission from: (NULL) ( there is a problem with calculating the convex hull in 2-D interpolation using the codes interp fromt eh akima package: x =c(0.6505304, -1.1821562, -0.2600792, 0.7913716) y = c(1.0424226, 0.1754048, -1.4523334, 0.2349112) z = c(0.000, 3.042, 0.370, 0.122) EX = seq(from=min(x), to=max(x),
2009 Nov 20
AKIMA: z values at a set coordinate
Dear all. I am using the akima function to produce 3d contour plots using interp based on irregular data. using the eg in the akima manual library("akima") data(akima) plot(y ~ x, data = akima, main = "akima example data") with(akima, text(x, y, formatC(z,dig=2), adj = -0.1)) ## linear interpolation <- interp(akima$x, akima$y, akima$z) image (, add=TRUE)
2023 Jan 26
akima interp results to zero with less than 10 values
The akima package has a problematic license (it doesn't allow commercial use), so it's been recommended that people use the interp package instead. When I use interp::interp instead of akima::interp, I get reasonable output from your example. So that's another reason to drop akima... Duncan Murdoch On 26/01/2023 9:35 a.m., PIKAL Petr wrote: > Dear all > > I have this
2000 May 04
acepack, akima and tripack will not load (PR#533)
Full_Name: Michael R. Allen Version: 1.01 OS: linux redhat Submission from: (NULL) ( Hello, Thought you might be interested. I tried to load the package tripack needed by the sgeostat package. After some careful searching, three packages were found which had the same error. Here is the output. Mike > library(acepack) Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local),
2013 Nov 13
determinacion del tamaño de la muestra
Si antes de hacerlo tú mismo decides mirar otras opciones, además de las que te han dicho: survey <>analysis of complex survey samples sampling <>Survey Samplingsamplingbook<>Survey Sampling