The grep comdition is "[A-J]"
BTW, why there are lots of unnecessary steps here, including using
cbind() and subset():
x <- rep(LETTERS[1:20],3)
y <- rep(1:3, 20)
z <- paste(x,y, sep="") <- rnorm(60)
data <- data.frame(z,
data[grepl("[A-J]", z), ]
Now (for the paranoid and not needed in this example) in general the
effect of "[A-Z]" depends on the locale, so you could write out
"[ABCDEFIJK]" or create it by
cond <- paste("[", paste(LETTERS[1:10], collapse=""),
"]", sep="")
Or use repl("[A-J]", z, perl=TRUE).
On Sat, 29 Jan 2011, Kang Min wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to subset a dataframe by using part of the level name.
> x <- rep(LETTERS[1:20],3)
> y <- rep(1:3, 20)
> z <- paste(x,y, sep="")
> <- rnorm(60)
> data <-,
> I need rows that contain the letters A to J, so I tried:
> subset(data, grepl(LETTERS[1:10], z)) # got only rows with A
> subset(data, z %in% LETTERS[1:10]) # got no rows
> I think I'm getting close to the solution but need a little bit of
> help here, thanks in advance.
> Kang Min
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at
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