On Jan 28, 2011, at 11:05 AM, Marc Carpentier wrote:
> Dear help, dear John Chambers,
> I'm trying to learn OOP-possibilities in R and I was going through the
> documentation 'ReferenceClasses {methods}'. (great work, by the
> way...)
> Reading associated Examples, something bothers me : it seems to me
> that there
> are errors in 'edit' and 'undo' methods. I think that :
> - 'undo' should update 'edits' field with :
> length(edits) <<- length(edits) - 1 #(and not - 2)
> - and for coherence, 'edit' should store modifications in an
> 'append'-style :
> edits <<- c(edits,list(backup)) #as opposed to c(list(backup),edits)
> I hope I'm not wrong.
> As a complementary question, suppose one kept
> 'c(edits,list(backup))', does
> anyone know how todiscard first element(s) of a list? For a vector :
> vedits<<-vedits[-1]
> But lists can't be selected that way ( edits<<- edits [[-1]]
#wrong )
You are confusing "[" and "[["
> ll <- list(a=1,b=2,cc=3)
> ll[-1]
[1] 2
[1] 3>
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT