On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Thomas Levine <thomas.levine at
gmail.com> wrote:> Example data
> desk=data.frame(
> )
> --
> I like doing stuff like the line below, especially when I'm using
> print(paste('Within the observation period,',nrow(desk),
> 'patrons approached the circulation desk.'))
> --
> But what if I want to put it at the beginning of a sentence?
> print(sum(desk$deskchoice=='bookdrop'),'persons',
> 'used the book drop. Everyone else interacted with a staff
> Is there a pretty way to change the result of
> sum(desk$deskchoice=='bookdrop')
> from "2" to "Two"?
> --
> And what if the number is one?
> print(sum(desk$deskchoice=='bookdrop'),
> 'used the book drop. Everyone else interacted with a staff
> Is there a prettier way of choosing between "person" and
Using John Fox's numbers2words found here:
and capwords found in the examples section of ?toupper try this:
n <- sum(desk$deskchoice == "bookdrop")
paste(capwords(numbers2words(n)), if (n == 1) "person" else
"people", "used the book drop...")
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