On Dec 3, 2010, at 22:42 , Paul Miller wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I'm trying to use SAS to replicate some results obtained in R. I was
wondering if anyone call tell me the SAS equivalent of the code that appears
> fm.glm.x <- glm(resp ~ . - 1, data = as.data.frame(mm.x),
> na.action = na.exclude, family = binomial(link = "probit"))
> summary(fm.glm.x)
Well, you're not saying what "." contains, so no-one can foresee
all implications, but the closest parallels are usually found with PROC GENMOD.
Something like
proc genmod data=ingot2;
model r/n=t / dist=binomial link=probit;
(shamelessly lifted from a Google search)
- I don't think you can avoid spelling out the list of variables in
- "-1" (no intercept) is obtained by adding "noint" after
the "/" in the model statement
- for binary regression, I believe you may have to explicitly generate a
variable n=1
- beware differences in contrast parametrizations for categorical variables
> Thanks,
> Paul
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