Dear 'analyst41' (it would be a courtesy to know who you are)
Here is a low-level way to do it.
First create some dummy data
> allDates <- seq(as.Date("2010-01-01"), by = 1, length.out =
> client_ID <- sample(LETTERS[1:5], 50, rep = TRUE)
> value <- 1:50
> date <- sample(allDates)
> clientData <- data.frame(client_ID, date, value)
At this point clientData has 50 rows, with 5 clients, each with a sample of
datas. Everything is in random order execept "value".
Now write a little function to fill out a subset of the data consisting of one
client's data only:
> fixClient <- function(cData) {
+ dateRange <- range(cData$date)
+ dates <- seq(dateRange[1], dateRange[2], by = 1)
+ fullSet <- data.frame(client_ID = as.character(cData$client_ID[1]),
+ date = dates, value = NA)
+ fullSet$value[match(cData$date, dates)] <- cData$value
+ fullSet
+ }
Now split up the data, apply the fixClient function to each section and
re-combine them again:
> allData <-,
+ lapply(split(clientData, clientData$client_ID), fixClient))
> head(allData)
client_ID date value
A.1 A 2010-01-04 36
A.2 A 2010-01-05 18
A.3 A 2010-01-06 NA
A.4 A 2010-01-07 NA
A.5 A 2010-01-08 NA
A.6 A 2010-01-09 49>
Seems OK. At this point the data are in sorted order by client and date, but
that should not matter.
Bill Venables.
-----Original Message-----
From: r-help-bounces at [mailto:r-help-bounces at]
On Behalf Of analyst41 at
Sent: Wednesday, 29 December 2010 10:45 AM
To: r-help at
Subject: [R] filling up holes
I have a data frame with three columns
client ID | date | value
For each cilent ID I want to determine Min date and Max date and for
any dates in between that are missing I want to insert a row
Client ID | date| NA
Any help would be appreciated.
R-help at mailing list
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