On Fri, 17 Dec 2010, Iain Gallagher wrote:
> Hello List
> I'm moving this over from the bioC list as, although the problem
I'm working on is biological, the current bottle neck is my poor
understanding of R.
> I wonder if someone would help me with the following function.
Here is how I'd take it apart.
1) put browser() as the first line of the function,then feed lines to the
browser one -by-one to see where it hangs,
2) trace(cumulMetric) , then try to run it (much like 1, but it will
handle feeding the lines of the function more easily)
3) options( error = recover ), then run it till it hits the error, then
browser thru the frames to see what is where
as background.
> cumulMetric <- function(deMirPresGenes, deMirs){
> ???
> #need to match position of each miR in deMirPresGenes with its FC to form a
vector of FC in correct order
> ? ? fc <- deMirs
> ? ? fcVector <- as.numeric(with (fc, FC[match(deMirPresGenes[,4],
Probe)] ) )
> ? ? #multiply fc by context score for each interaction
> ? ? metric <- fcVector * as.numeric(deMirPresGenes[,11])
> ? ? geneMetric <- cbind(deMirPresGenes[,2], as.numeric(metric))
> ? ? #make cumul weighted score
> ? ? listMetric <- unstack(geneMetric,
> ? ? listMetric <- as.data.frame(sapply(listMetric,sum)) #returns a
> ? ? colnames(listMetric) <- c('cumulMetric')
> ? ? #return whole list
> ? ? return(listMetric)
> }
> deMirPresGenes looks like this:
> Gene.ID? ? Gene.Symbol? ? Species.ID? ? miRNA? ? Site.type? ? UTR_start? ?
UTR_end? ? X3pairing_contr? ? local_AU_contr? ? position_contr? ? context_score?
? context_percentile
> 22848? ? AAK1? ? 9606? ? hsa-miR-183? ? 2? ? 1546? ? 1552? ? -0.026? ?
-0.047? ? 0.099? ? -0.135? ? 47
> 19? ? ABCA1? ? 9606? ? hsa-miR-183? ? 2? ? 1366? ? 1372? ? -0.011? ?
-0.048? ? 0.087? ? -0.133? ? 46
> 20? ? ABCA2? ? 9606? ? hsa-miR-495? ? 2? ? 666? ? 672? ? -0.042? ? -0.092?
? -0.035? ? -0.33? ? 93
> 23456? ? ABCB10? ? 9606? ? hsa-miR-183? ? 3? ? 1475? ? 1481? ? 0.003? ?
-0.109? ? -0.05? ? -0.466? ? 98
> 6059? ? ABCE1? ? 9606? ? hsa-miR-495? ? 2? ? 1474? ? 1480? ? 0.005? ?
-0.046? ? 0.006? ? -0.196? ? 58
> 55324? ? ABCF3? ? 9606? ? hsa-miR-1275? ? 3? ? 90? ? 96? ? 0.007? ? 0.042?
? -0.055? ? -0.316? ? 94
> although it is much longer in 'real life'.
> The aim of the function is to extract a dataframe of gene symbols along
with a weighted score from the above data. The weighted score is the FC column
of deMirs * the context_score column of deMirPresGenes. This is easy peasy!
> Where I'm falling down is that if I run this function it complains that
'geneMetric' can't be found. Hmm - I've run it all line by line
(i.e. not as a function) and it works but wrapped up like this it fails!
> e.g.
>> testF2 <- cumulMetric(testF1, deMirs$up)
> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'geneMetric' not found
> deMirs$up looks like this:
> Probe? ? FC
> hsa-miR-183? ? 2.63
> hsa-miR-1275? ? 2.74
> hsa-miR-495? ? 3.13
> hsa-miR-886-3p? ? 3.73
> hsa-miR-886-5p? ? 3.97
> hsa-miR-144*? ? 6.62
> hsa-miR-451? ? 7.94
> In an effort to debug this I have examined each object using
'print' statements (as suggested by cstrato on the bioC list).
> All the objects in the function up until listMetric look ok in terms of
structure and length. But the error persists and listMetric is not made?!?! Odd.
> I have added some comments to the output below.
>> tf2<-cumulMetric(tf1, deMirs$up)#deMirs$up is a dataframe (see above
- it is the same as deMirs)
> [1] 2.63 2.63 3.13 2.63 3.13 2.74 # print fcVector - looks ok
> [1] -0.35505 -0.34979 -1.03290 -1.22558 -0.61348 -0.86584 # print metric -
looks ok
> [1] 1045 # length of metric - is correct
> ? ???sym? ? ? metric? ? # print geneMetric - looks ok
> [1,] "AAK1"???"-0.35505"
> [2,] "ABCA1"? "-0.34979"
> [3,] "ABCA2"? "-1.0329"
> [4,] "ABCB10" "-1.22558"
> [5,] "ABCE1"? "-0.61348"
> [6,] "ABCF3"? "-0.86584"
> [1] 1045 # nrow of geneMetric - is correct
> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'geneMetric' not found
> Could someone possibly point out where I falling down.
> Thanks
> iain
>> sessionInfo()
> R version 2.12.0 (2010-10-15)
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> [5] LC_MONETARY=C? ? ? ? ? ???LC_MESSAGES=en_GB.utf8???
> [7] LC_PAPER=en_GB.utf8? ? ???LC_NAME=C? ? ? ? ? ? ???
> [9] LC_ADDRESS=C? ? ? ? ? ? ? LC_TELEPHONE=C? ? ? ? ???
> attached base packages:
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> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] tools_2.12.0
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Charles C. Berry Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu UC San Diego
famprevmed.ucsd.edu/faculty/cberry La Jolla, San Diego 92093-0901