Scott Waichler
2004-Jul-05 16:08 UTC
[R] Apparent conflict between \Sexpr in Sweave and R2HTML
I have come across an apparent bug in the operation of Sweave. If I load the package R2HTML then execution of \Sexpr{} in an *.Rnw file no longer works. The \Sexpr{} code is simply written to the *.tex file. Below are my *.Rnw file, commands, and output. The Sweave file, Sweave-test-1_short.Rnw: % -*- mode: noweb; noweb-default-code-mode: R-mode; -*- \documentclass{article} \title{A Test File} \author{Friedrich Leisch} \SweaveOpts{echo=FALSE} \begin{document} \maketitle Now we look at Gaussian data: <<>>library(stats) x <- rnorm(20) print(x) print(t1 <- t.test(x)) @ Note that we can easily integrate some numbers into standard text: The third element of vector \texttt{x} is \Sexpr{x[3]}, the $p$-value of the test is \Sexpr{format.pval(t1$p.value)}. % $ \end{document} My commands:> R.version.string[1] "R version 1.9.1, 2004-06-21"> library(R2HTML)Loading R2HTML package...> Sweave("Sweave-test-1_short.Rnw")Writing to file Sweave-test-1_short.tex Processing code chunks ... 1 : term verbatim You can now run LaTeX on Sweave-test-1_short.tex>The Sweave output file, Sweave-test-1_short.tex: % -*- mode: noweb; noweb-default-code-mode: R-mode; -*- \documentclass{article} \title{A Test File} \author{Friedrich Leisch} \usepackage{/usr/lib/R/share/texmf/Sweave} \begin{document} \maketitle Now we look at Gaussian data: \begin{Schunk} \begin{Soutput} [1] -1.80980347 1.41215325 -0.01118795 1.69149919 0.04621916 0.43672840 [7] 0.05831105 1.26632742 0.41980267 -0.45035200 -0.73382409 -0.92390546 [13] 0.28338334 -0.05982873 -0.15500443 -2.43182528 -0.69751187 -0.30238204 [19] 0.99555389 -1.80047878 \end{Soutput} \begin{Soutput} One Sample t-test data: x t = -0.5728, df = 19, p-value = 0.5735 alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.6436499 0.3670373 sample estimates: mean of x -0.1383063 \end{Soutput} \end{Schunk} Note that we can easily integrate some numbers into standard text: The third element of vector \texttt{x} is \Sexpr{x[3]}, the $p$-value of the test is \Sexpr{format.pval(t1$p.value)}. % $ \end{document} Scott Waichler Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, Washington USA scott.waichler at
2004-Jul-06 08:11 UTC
[R] Apparent conflict between \Sexpr in Sweave and R2HTML
>>>>> On Mon, 05 Jul 2004 09:08:38 -0700, >>>>> Scott Waichler (SW) wrote:> I have come across an apparent bug in the operation of Sweave. If I > load the package R2HTML then execution of \Sexpr{} in an *.Rnw file no > longer works. The \Sexpr{} code is simply written to the *.tex file. > Below are my *.Rnw file, commands, and output. R2HTML registers another Sweave driver for HTML files, and after that the Syntax for HTML is in the search list before the default syntax. options(SweaveSyntax="SweaveSyntaxNoweb") or calling Sweave like Sweave(..., syntax="SweaveSyntaxNoweb") should do the trick. I'll add this to the Sweave FAQ. Best, Fritz