Hi folks,
Debian 600 64bit desktop
> sudo R
Password:> install.packages("RBloomberg",
* DONE (zoo)
ERROR: dependencies ?rcom?, ?bitops?, ?RUnit? are not available for package
* removing ?/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/RBloomberg?
> install.packages("RBloomberg", "rcom",
"bitops", "RUnit",
Warning in install.packages("RBloomberg", "rcom",
"bitops", "RUnit", repos =
"R-Forge.R-project.org") :
'lib = "rcom"' is not writable
Would you like to create a personal library
to install packages into? (y/n)
Whether I need to create a personal library
However I found rcom, bitops and RUnit on Debian repo;
$ apt-cache search bitops | grep r-cran
r-cran-bitops - GNU R package implementing bitwise operations
$ apt-cache search RUnit | grep r-cran
r-cran-runit - GNU R package providing unit testing framework
$ apt-cache search rcom | grep r-cran
r-cran-rcpp - GNU R / C++ interface classes and examples
Can I install them on Debian repo? TIA
Stephen L