Hi R-users,
I would like to create an expression without evaluating it. Then paste
that expression to an object. Example:
Result <- paste('Result', 1, sep="")
paste(Result, substitute(apply(exp.des[1:10,], 1, one.row,
parms=parameters)), sep="<-")
However this pastes EACH element of the unevaluated expression. Instead
I just would like the expression to be a character string, with just ONE
I tried:
toString(substitute(apply(exp.des[1:10,], 1, one.row,
but it modifies the expression (e.g. removing parenthesis), which I do
not want.
Any idea on how to create an unevaluated expression and paste it to an
object, to get a 1 element output?
Thanks for your help
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