G?bor Cs?rdi wrote:> Dear all,
> I would like to write some tests for my R package, and the usual
> 'tests' directory seemed like a good solution, but there is
> I cannot understand.
> It is possible to supply .Rout.save files with the expected output for
> the tests, which is great. But since the tests are not run with R
> --slave, the expected output needs to contain all the extra output
> from R, e.g. the startup message. The commands are echoed to the
> output, too.
> This makes it difficult to write proper tests, as they will
> necessarily fail on all but one R versions (the version number is
> always part of the output), and one would need to write the test
> programs twice, once in the normal .R file, and once in the .Rout.save
> file.
> Is there a way to work around these things? Or am I trying to use the
> 'tests' directory for something that was not intended?
The normal workflow is to write the tests as R files, and run them.
Then manually check every line of the Rout, and when you're satisfied
it's fine, save it as an Rout.save file. After that R will only report
changes to that file that occur after the header, so version numbering
changes will be ignored, but changes that affect your output will not.
Duncan Murdoch