Hey, I have a few doubts with regard to the usage of the auto.arima function from the forecast package in R. *Background:* I have a set of about 50 time-series for which I would like to estimate the best autroregressive model. (I want to estimate the coefficients and order of p). Each of the series is non-stationary and are also have a non-normal distribution. The data is non-seasonal. My objective is to group these 50 odd time-series into 6-7 groups and apply the same auto-regressive model.(Essentially want a best fit auto-regressive model for each of the groups). For a single time-series if I apply: fit<-auto.arima(<series1>,d=NA,D=0,max.p=6,max.q=0,max.order=6,stationary=F,ic=c("aic"),trace=T,allowdrift=F) will the differencing be done internally and the final coefficients for the AR parameters be outputted by the coef(fit) function? Or do I have to make the series stationary before I apply the auto.arima function? I.e if finally my result is something like Coefficients: ar1 ar2 intercept 0.1561 -0.4495 635.1266 s.e. 0.2076 0.1967 22.0342 for the above command. will my model be yt=0.1561*yt-1 -.4495*yt-2 + 635.1266 only? Kindly shed some light on the above issues. Also if I want my final model to be a composite one involving expoential smoothing and autro-regressive terms what is the best mode of action? Thanks and regards, Kishan -- A. Phani Kishan 3rd Year B.Tech Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering IIT MADRAS Ph: +919962363545 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]