Always nice to answer my own question 3 minutes later. The missing()
function does what I want. Still, why DOES this exists() statement
fail? Do functions "auto create" the variables once they are called,
regardless of whether or not they are assigned?
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 1:05 PM, Jonathan Greenberg
<greenberg at> wrote:> I'm a bit confused about how exists() work within a function -- I want
> to test for unassigned variables, but I'm doing tests in the main
> environment to figure out the function, so the variables DO exist in
> the parent environment of a function call.
> Why does:
> myfunction <- function(variable_outside_function)
> {
> ? ? ? ?print(exists("variable_outside_function",inherit=FALSE))
> ? ? ?
> }
> myfunction()
> Return:
> [1] TRUE
> [1] FALSE
> I didn't assign anything to variable_outside_function, so I'm
> why it thinks it exists...
> --j