The code contains
## We need to force C collation: might not work
Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "C")
It seems that is not working for you. Try setting LC_COLLATE=C in the
environment before running the tests.
You do also need diff (from Rtools) in your path for the best results.
On Wed, 5 May 2010, Jim Price wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently in the process of writing an R-installation SOP for my
> company. As part of that process I'm using the recommendations from the
> Installation and Administration' document, section 3.2, "Testing
> installation". This is done on an XP machine, using the latest binary
> 2.11.0.
> The binary is downloaded and then installed from the installer. I then
> an Rgui.exe session with --vanilla enabled. At this point:
>> sessionInfo()
> R version 2.11.0 (2010-04-22)
> i386-pc-mingw32
> locale:
> [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_United
> States.1252 LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
> [4] LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=English_United
> States.1252
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
> Next I start testing, using the following:
> library(tools)
> testInstalledBasic(scope = 'devel') # Just checking devel for
> purposes
> Results displayed are as follows:
> running tests of consistency of as/is.*
> creating ?isas-tests.R?
> running code in ?isas-tests.R?
> comparing ?isas-tests.Rout? to ? ...running tests of
> random deviate generation -- fails occasionally
> running code in ?p-r-random-tests.R?
> comparing ?p-r-random-tests.Rout? to ?
> ...running tests of primitives
> running code in ?primitives.R?
> Warning messages:
> 1: In system(paste("diff -bw", shQuote(a), shQuote(b))) : diff
not found
> 2: In system(paste("diff -bw", shQuote(a), shQuote(b))) : diff
not found
> In the tests directory, in I see the following:
>> ## check that they do argument matching, or at least check names
>> except <- c("call", "switch", ".C",
".Fortran", ".Call", ".External",
> + "", "",
".subset", ".subset2",
> + ".primTrace", ".primUntrace",
> + ".Internal", ".Primitive", "^",
"|", "%*%", "rep", "",
> + ## these may not be enabled
> + "tracemem", "retracemem",
>> for(f in ls(.GenericArgsEnv, all.names=TRUE)[-(1:15)])
> + {
> + if (f %in% except) next
> + g <- get(f, envir = .GenericArgsEnv)
> + an <- names(formals(args(g)))
> + if(length(an) >0 && an[1] == "...") next
> + an <- an[an != "..."]
> + a <- rep(list(NULL), length(an))
> + names(a) <- c("zZ", an[-1])
> + res <- try(, a), silent = TRUE)
> + m <- geterrmessage()
> + if(!grepl('does not match|unused argument', m))
> + stop("failure on ", f)
> + }
> Error: failure on >> Execution halted
> A quick check in the console gives this:
>> ls(.GenericArgsEnv, all.names = TRUE)
> [1] "!" "!=" "%%"
"%/%" "&"
> "*" "+"
> [8] "-" "/" "<"
"<=" "=="
> ">" ">="
> [15] "Arg" "Conj" "Im"
"Mod" "Re"
> "^" "abs"
> [22] "acos" "acosh" "all"
> "as.character" "as.complex" "as.double"
> [29] "as.integer" "as.logical"
"as.numeric" "as.raw" "as.real"
> "asin" "asinh"
> [36] "atan" "atanh" "c"
"ceiling" "cos"
> "cosh" "cummax"
> [43] "cummin" "cumprod" "cumsum"
"digamma" "dim"
> "dim<-" "dimnames"
> [50] "dimnames<-" "exp" "expm1"
"floor" "gamma"
> "is.array" "is.finite"
> [57] "is.infinite" "is.matrix" ""
> "is.numeric" "length" "length<-"
> [64] "levels<-" "lgamma" "log"
"log10" "log1p"
> "log2" "max"
> [71] "min" "names"
"names<-" "prod" "range"
> "rep" "round"
> [78] "" "sign" "signif"
"sin" "sinh"
> "sqrt" "sum"
> [85] "tan" "tanh" "trigamma"
"trunc" "xtfrm"
> "|"
> Which confuses me, because the calling code in tests\\primitives.R removes
> the first 15 elements, which includes ">=" which the test is
failing on.
> To check (and because testInstalledBasic is calling out to a separate, new
> process), I repeated the testInstalledBasic functionality ex-function; so
> a clean session I ran the following:
> ### Clean session ###
> Sys.setenv(LANGUAGE = "C")
> Sys.setenv(R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES = "")
> Sys.setenv(SRCDIR = ".")
> oldwd <- setwd(file.path(R.home(), 'tests'))
> source('primitives.R', echo = T)
> setwd(oldwd)
> # Fails with: Error in eval.with.vis(expr, envir, enclos) : failure on
> Now my checking gives:
>> ls(.GenericArgsEnv, all.names = TRUE)
> [1] "-" "!" "!="
"%%" "%/%"
> "&" "*" "/"
> [9] "^" "|" "+"
"<" "<="
> "==" ">" ">="
> [17] "abs" "acos" "acosh"
"all" "any"
> "Arg" "as.character" "as.complex"
> [25] "as.double" "as.integer"
"as.logical" "as.numeric" "as.raw"
> "as.real" "asin" "asinh"
> [33] "atan" "atanh" "c"
"ceiling" "Conj"
> "cos" "cosh" "cummax"
> [41] "cummin" "cumprod" "cumsum"
"digamma" "dim"
> "dim<-" "dimnames"
> [49] "exp" "expm1" "floor"
"gamma" "Im"
> "is.array" "is.finite" "is.infinite"
> [57] "is.matrix" "" "is.nan"
"is.numeric" "length"
> "length<-" "levels<-" "lgamma"
> [65] "log" "log10" "log1p"
"log2" "max"
> "min" "Mod" "names"
> [73] "names<-" "prod" "range"
"Re" "rep"
> "round" "" "sign"
> [81] "signif" "sin" "sinh"
"sqrt" "sum"
> "tan" "tanh" "trigamma"
> [89] "trunc" "xtfrm"
> Now ">=" is the 16th element of the environment, which
suggests that this is
> why my testing is failing.
> Am I doing something wrong? Should the actual code in tests\\primitives.R
> be: for(f in ls(.GenericArgsEnv, all.names=TRUE)[-(1:16)]) instead of 1:15
> (or be OS dependent)?
> Any comments and help welcomed. If I'm unclear in any steps I've
> please feel free to correct me.
> Jim Price.
> Cardiome Pharma Corp.
> --
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595