Displaying 20 results from an estimated 21 matches for "trigamma".
2002 Oct 17
Trigamma function
Hey, all
Do you how to calculate the trigamma function, that is
d**2(log(gamma(x))) / dx**2.
The second-order derivative of log(Gamma(x))?
I cannot find it in the R package, and somebody knows who or where to get
such one?
r-help mailing list --...
2010 Jan 04
polygamma or Hurwitz zeta function
Is there any R library that is capable of handling polygamma function
(Hurwitz zeta function also works)? I am aware of digamma(0 and trigamma(),
but could not find more advanced versions.
I'd appreciate any help.
Hakan Demirtas
2007 Jul 30
deriv, loop
attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
> deriv3(~gamma(x),"x")
Error in deriv3.formula(~gamma(x), "x") : Function 'psigamma' is not in the
derivatives table
What I want is the expression for the second derivative (which I believe is
trigamma(x), or psigamma(x,1)), how can I obtain that?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/deriv%2C-loop-tf4166283.html#a11853456
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2007 Jul 21
Gamma MLE
...on R,
function (xx,shape0,rate0)
n<- length(xx)
xbar<- mean(xx)
logxbar<- mean(log(xx))
repeat {
theta0<- theta
shape<- theta0[1]
rate<- theta0[2]
S<- n*matrix(c(log(rate)-digamma(shape)+logxbar,shape/rate-xbar),ncol=1)
I<- n*matrix(c(trigamma(shape),-1/rate,-1/rate,shape/rate^2),ncol=2)
theta<- theta0 + solve(I) %*% S
if(max(abs(theta-theta0)) < 1e-08)
list(estimates=theta, infmat=I)
However, this appears: Error: object "gamma.mles" not found
I tried looking in the packages for gamma.mles, but I couldn't...
2007 Oct 14
Extending deriv3()
I was wondering if the functions deriv3(), deriv() etc. could be extended
to handle psigamma() and its special cases (digamma(), trigamma()
etc.). From the error message it seems that 'psigamma' needs to be
added to the derivatives table.
This might be easy since psigamma() has a deriv argument.
Additionally, this error message is also obtained when requesting for
the Hessian of the gamma and lgamma functions:
d3 = deriv(~...
2010 May 05
testInstalledBasic question
"rep" "round"
[78] "seq.int" "sign" "signif" "sin" "sinh"
"sqrt" "sum"
[85] "tan" "tanh" "trigamma" "trunc" "xtfrm"
Which confuses me, because the calling code in tests\\primitives.R removes
the first 15 elements, which includes ">=" which the test is failing on.
To check (and because testInstalledBasic is cal...
2004 Feb 29
digamma with negative arguments (PR#6626)
Full_Name: Chanseok Park
Version: 1.8.1
OS: linux-gnu
Submission from: (NULL) (
digamma with any negative value does not give a right answer.
It gives -1.797693e+308 for any negative arguments.
For example, digamma(-1.1) gives -1.797693e+308.
The right answer should be 10.15416
This bug can be easily fixed by using the following digamma identity.
digamma(x) = digamma(1-x) -
2011 Jun 29
Error in testInstalledBasic
testing S3 generic 'sign'
testing S3 generic 'signif'
testing S3 generic 'sin'
testing S3 generic 'sinh'
testing S3 generic 'sqrt'
testing S3 generic 'sum'
testing S3 generic 'tan'
testing S3 generic 'tanh'
testing S3 generic 'trigamma'
testing S3 generic 'trunc'
testing S3 generic 'xtfrm'
> ## and that no others are generic
> for(f in ls(.ArgsEnv, all.names=TRUE))
+ {
+ if(f == "browser") next
+ cat("testing non-generic '", f, "'\n", sep="")...
2007 Oct 03
R-2.6.0 is released
...ly generic for
efficiency. They no longer dispatch on S3 methods for
as.vector() (which was never documented). as.real() and
as.numeric() remain as alternative names for as.double().
expm1(), log(), log1p(), log2(), log10(), gamma(), lgamma(),
digamma() and trigamma() are now primitive. (Note that logb()
is not.)
The Math2 and Summary groups (round, signif, all, any, max, min,
summ, prod, range) are now primitive.
See under METHODS PACKAGE below for some consquences for S4 methods.
o apropos() now sorts by name and not...
2007 Oct 03
R-2.6.0 is released
...ly generic for
efficiency. They no longer dispatch on S3 methods for
as.vector() (which was never documented). as.real() and
as.numeric() remain as alternative names for as.double().
expm1(), log(), log1p(), log2(), log10(), gamma(), lgamma(),
digamma() and trigamma() are now primitive. (Note that logb()
is not.)
The Math2 and Summary groups (round, signif, all, any, max, min,
summ, prod, range) are now primitive.
See under METHODS PACKAGE below for some consquences for S4 methods.
o apropos() now sorts by name and not...
1997 Sep 09
R-beta: "Comparison of Mathematical Programs for Analysis"
I have just seen Stefan Steinhaus' web page :
I think it would be nice to include "R" as well.
I have taken Forrest Young's email on stat-lisp list and changed the
stuff for "R" :) Here it is: (someone please check this so we can
also send it to Stefan Steinhaus.
2009 Dec 14
R 2.10.1 is released
...with hyperref 6.79d and later.
o The 'extended' argument is deprecated in strsplit(), grep(),
grepl(), sub(), gsub(), regexpr() and gregexpr() (not just the
value extended = FALSE) and will be removed in R 2.11.0.
o trigamma(x) and other psigamma(x, n) calls are now accurate for
very large abs(x). (PR#14020)
o [g]sub(perl=FALSE, fixed=FALSE) could use excessive stack space
when used with a very long vector containing some non-ASCII
o The default method of weighted.mean(na....
2009 Dec 14
R 2.10.1 is released
...with hyperref 6.79d and later.
o The 'extended' argument is deprecated in strsplit(), grep(),
grepl(), sub(), gsub(), regexpr() and gregexpr() (not just the
value extended = FALSE) and will be removed in R 2.11.0.
o trigamma(x) and other psigamma(x, n) calls are now accurate for
very large abs(x). (PR#14020)
o [g]sub(perl=FALSE, fixed=FALSE) could use excessive stack space
when used with a very long vector containing some non-ASCII
o The default method of weighted.mean(na....
2009 Jun 26
R 2.9.1 is released
...when the arguments
are of compatible dimensions.
o qbinom() now is accurate also in (large size, small prob)
cases. (PR#13711)
o The calculation of the Spearman p-value in cor.test() is
slightly more accurate in some cases. (PR#13574)
o The digamma(), trigamma() and psigamma() functions could be
inaccurate for values of x around 1e-15 due to cancellation.
o median.default() was altered in 2.8.1 to use sum() rather
than mean(), although it was still documented to use mean().
This caused problems for POSIX...
2009 Jun 26
R 2.9.1 is released
...when the arguments
are of compatible dimensions.
o qbinom() now is accurate also in (large size, small prob)
cases. (PR#13711)
o The calculation of the Spearman p-value in cor.test() is
slightly more accurate in some cases. (PR#13574)
o The digamma(), trigamma() and psigamma() functions could be
inaccurate for values of x around 1e-15 due to cancellation.
o median.default() was altered in 2.8.1 to use sum() rather
than mean(), although it was still documented to use mean().
This caused problems for POSIX...
1999 Aug 03
compliation problem
Problem compiling R.
version: 0.64.2
machine: SGI O2
CC cc
FC f77
MAKE GNU make 3.75
Here is part of the the output for make.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/people/faculty/math/mgass/stage/R/R-0.64.2/src/include'
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/people/faculty/math/mgass/stage/R/R-0.64.2/src/appl'
cc -g -OPT:IEEE_NaN_inf=ON -I../include
2008 Apr 22
R 2.7.0 is released
...hat detects common
errors in NEWS file formatting.
o deparse() gains a new argument 'nlines' to limit the number of
lines of output, and this is used internally to make several
functions more efficient.
o deriv() now knows the derivatives of digamma(x), trigamma(x)
and psigamma(x, deriv) (wrt to x).
o dir.create() has a new argument 'mode', used on Unix-alikes
(only) to set the permissions on the created directory.
o Where an array is dropped to a length-one vector by drop() or
[, drop = TRUE], the result now h...
2008 Apr 22
R 2.7.0 is released
...hat detects common
errors in NEWS file formatting.
o deparse() gains a new argument 'nlines' to limit the number of
lines of output, and this is used internally to make several
functions more efficient.
o deriv() now knows the derivatives of digamma(x), trigamma(x)
and psigamma(x, deriv) (wrt to x).
o dir.create() has a new argument 'mode', used on Unix-alikes
(only) to set the permissions on the created directory.
o Where an array is dropped to a length-one vector by drop() or
[, drop = TRUE], the result now h...
2004 Apr 12
R 1.9.0 is release
...interruptible at suitable places in the
underlying FORTRAN code.
o princomp() now warns if both `x' and `covmat' are supplied,
and returns scores only if the centring used is known.
o psigamma(x, deriv=0), a new function generalizes, digamma() etc.
All these (psigamma, digamma, trigamma,...) now also work for x < 0.
o pchisq(*, ncp > 0) and hence qchisq() now work with much higher
values of ncp; it has become much more accurate in the left tail.
o read.table() now allows embedded newlines in quoted fields. (PR#4555)
o rep.default(0-length-vector, length.out=...
2004 Apr 12
R 1.9.0 is release
...interruptible at suitable places in the
underlying FORTRAN code.
o princomp() now warns if both `x' and `covmat' are supplied,
and returns scores only if the centring used is known.
o psigamma(x, deriv=0), a new function generalizes, digamma() etc.
All these (psigamma, digamma, trigamma,...) now also work for x < 0.
o pchisq(*, ncp > 0) and hence qchisq() now work with much higher
values of ncp; it has become much more accurate in the left tail.
o read.table() now allows embedded newlines in quoted fields. (PR#4555)
o rep.default(0-length-vector, length.out=...