Kang Min <ngokangmin <at> gmail.com> writes:
> I have an error with fisher.alpha from the vegan package.
> > fisher.alpha(data[[1]])
> Error in nlm(Dev.logseries, n.r = n.r, p = p, N = N, hessian > TRUE,
...) :
> missing value in parameter
> I am trying to find fisher alpha for a list of 100 data frames, and I
> tried it on individual data frames in the list, which gave me the
> error above.
> I have every data frame in the same format as the example data BCI,
> species as column names and quadrats as row names.
It's almost impossible to answer this question without a reproducible
example. Does the same thing happen with
If so, can you post the results of dput(head(data[[1]]))
If not, please spend some time cutting the problem down to
something that can be posted. If that's really hard, post
your data on the web somewhere and post a link to it.
(Sending attachments to the mailing list is a bit dicey.)
Ben Bolker