Marco Barbàra
2010-May-22 23:01 UTC
[R] Modeling time varying effects in with cph: how to ?
Dear R users, I know, this is the second time i return on this topic. Sorry, but this analysis is of great value for me, and i hope someone can help me. I need to model a time-varying effect in a Cox model. Briefly explained here: It seems that SAS is more well-suited to this purpose, as explained in the links above, but i do not have enough time to learn SAS. I think i should use something like this: cph(Surv(start,end,status)~a.factor+a.factor:start) but i'm not sure, specially after Thernau's reply to my previous post. Assuming i'm doing well, i'd prefer to use cph because of the rms bootstrap validation facilities. Unfortunately cph doesn't wanto to model an interaction term without the both corresponding main effects:> fit.cph <- cph(TACE.Surv~PS+PS:TIME.start,data=DatasetTACE.imputati)Error in if (!length(fname) || !any(fname == zname)) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed coxph runs without complaining. I could make the design matrix columns by hand, but this is generally not recommended, isn't it? Any sort of comment will be appreciated. Thank you very much. Marco Barb?ra.
Reasonably Related Threads
- frailty in coxph or repeated measures in cph (Design)
- survival probabilities with cph (counting process)
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- Last post: problem with package rsm: running fit.mult.impute with cph -- sorry, package was rms
- Cross posting (was "Restricted Cubic Splines within survfit.cph)