Alberts Laurens (Stud. SIT)
2006-Jun-15 09:56 UTC
[R] survival probabilities with cph (counting process)
Hi, I have fitted a cox model with time-varying covariates (counting process style) using the cph function of the Design package. Now I want to know the survival probabilities at each time point given the history of a single individual. I know the survest function, but I am not sure how to interpretet its output when using time-varying covariates. Does it just give the probabilities as if it are independent individuals or can/does it take in consideration that it is the history of a single individual? Is this even possible? An example: Individual x has a history of 3 months and the cox model is fitted with two time-varying covariates: a & b testcase <- data.frame(a =[4 5 2], b = [1 0 1]) survest(coxmodel, testcase, time = c(1,2,3)) Is this the right way to compute the probabilities? Thank you in advance! Regards, Laurens Alberts [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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