Claudia Penaloza
2010-Apr-11 01:18 UTC
[R] plotting rpart objects, text.rpart, fancy option
I have created plots of rpart objects with the fancy option for text.rpart ("fancy" creates ellipses and rectangles and labels branches with splitting criteria). The ellipses and rectangles are supposed to "interrupt" the tree lines (as seen in Therneau and Atkinson 1997, page 48, Fig. 18,, but they do not, even when I use Therneau and Atkinson's code.> plot(tree, uniform = T, branch = 0.2, compress = T, margin = 0.1) > text(tree, all = T, use.n=T, fancy = T)How do I "interrupt" the tree lines? Thank you, Claudia [[alternative HTML version deleted]]