Hi: I am using Sweave and texi2dvi to generate a LaTeX document but can't find the way to hide the graphics while the R chunks are being executed. I thought results=hide would do it but that't not the case. If I do: \begin{figure}[h] <<figA=true,echo=F,fig=T,results=hide>>a < rnorm(1000) plot(a) @ \caption{Weekly estimates.} \label{figure:ggplot1} \end{figure} The graphic doesn't get displayed but gets printed on the document but the code below shows the graphic.......how can I hide it?? \begin{figure}[h] <<figA=true,echo=F,fig=T,results=hide>>library(ggplot2) winter <- read.csv("Winter_AllYears.csv") wintermelt <- melt(winter,id="week") print(ggplot(wintermelt,aes(week,value/1000)) + geom_line(aes(colour=variable))+ opts(legend.position="none") + facet_wrap(~variable,ncol=2) + opts(title="Winter") + labs(y="Number of fish X 1,000",x="WEEK")) @ \caption{Weekly estimates.} \label{figure:ggplot1} \end{figure} ? Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA