On Apr 21, 2010, at 6:24 PM, Jon Zadra wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to add error bars to a plot generated with xyplot. I've
> tried both errbar() and plotCI(), but in both cases the points are
> not in the same place. It's as if the two functions are using a
> different frame of reference for the plotting area.
Yes. plotCI uses base graphics while xyplot is a lattice function.
> for example:
> means <- c(92.5, 92.25, 90.9, 91.0, 94.15, 90.05) #means
> time <- c(1,1,2,2,3,3) #occasion variable
> group <- rep(c("n","u"),3) #grouping variable
> SE <- c(2.22, 1.66, 2.10, 1.43, 2.31, 1.57) #standard errors
> #Plot the graph
> xyplot(means ~ time, groups=group, type="o", lwd=3,
> Over Time by Condition", scale=list(cex=2), xlab="Test
> auto.key=T)
> #first attempt
> require(Hmisc)
> errbar(x = time, y = means, yplus = means + SE, yminus = means - SE,
> add=T, col=c("blue", "hotpink"))
A base graphics function.>
> #second attempt, same result
> require(gplots)
> plotCI(x = time, y = means, uiw = SE, add=T)
Another base graphics function.
Since you already have Hmisc why not check out Harrell's xYplot which
provides CI's in a grid function:
From the xYplot examples:
dfr <- expand.grid(month=1:12, continent=c('Europe','USA'),
sex=c('female','male')) set.seed(1)
dfr <- upData(dfr, y=month/10 + 1*(sex=='female') +
2*(continent=='Europe') +
lower=y - runif(48,.05,.15),
upper=y + runif(48,.05,.15))
xYplot(Cbind(y,lower,upper) ~ month|continent,
> Thanks in advance!
> - Jon
> --
> Jon Zadra
> Department of Psychology
> University of Virginia
> P.O. Box 400400
> Charlottesville VA 22904
> (434) 982-4744
> email: zadra at virginia.edu
> <http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=jzadra%40gmail.com>
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