Le 25/03/10 13:16, Abhisek a ?crit :>
> Hi, Im not sure if this is the right place to post this.
It is not. The Rcpp-devel mailing list is the right place:
> I am using Xubuntu
> Karmic Koala and am trying to use the Rcpp package. I am testing it using
> simple code that takes in a vector and adds 1 to each element:
> #include<Rcpp.h>
> // This file takes in a vector and adds one to each entry
> RcppExport SEXP addone(SEXP vec){
> // create a local copy of vec
> Rcpp::NumericVector orig(vec);
> // create an output vector
> Rcpp::NumericVector vecout(orig.size());
> for(i=0;i<orig.size();i++) {
> vecout[i] = orig[i]+1;
> }
> Rcpp::Pairlist
> return res;
> }
You need some flags set up :
export PKG_LIBS=`Rscript -e "Rcpp:::LdFlags()"`
export PKG_CXXFLAGS=`Rscript -e "Rcpp:::CxxFlags()"`
R CMD SHLIB addone.cpp
also, your code is not correct since the i variable is not declared, so
I get this when I try to compile it:
addone.cpp: In function ?SEXPREC* addone(SEXPREC*)?:
addone.cpp:12: error: ?i? was not declared in this scope
make: *** [addone.o] Error 1
The inline package can help you with this when prototyping your code,
check the cfunction in the inline package, specifically its arguments
"verbose" and "Rcpp".
Personally I would code this using stl algorithms rather than raw looping:
#include <Rcpp.h>
template <typename T>
inline T add_one( T x){
return x + 1 ;
// This file takes in a vector and adds one to each entry
RcppExport SEXP addone(SEXP vec){
// original object
Rcpp::NumericVector orig(vec);
// output vector
Rcpp::NumericVector vecout(orig.size());
orig.begin(), orig.end(),
add_one<double> ) ;
return vecout ;
or maybe you don't even have to write the tedious add_one template and
you can do it like this:
#include <Rcpp.h>
// This file takes in a vector and adds one to each entry
RcppExport SEXP addone(SEXP vec){
// original object
Rcpp::NumericVector orig(vec);
// output vector
Rcpp::NumericVector vecout(orig.size());
orig.begin(), orig.end(),
std::bind2nd( std::plus<double>(), 1.0 )
) ;
return vecout ;
> I then try to use - R CMD SHLIB addone.cpp
> that didnt work. the error said there was no such file -
"Rcpp.h" .
> Then i came across Dirk Eddelbeutel's beamer presentation and followed
> suggestion to copy Rcpp.h to /usr/loca/include and libRcpp.so to
> /usr/local/lib
> Then i tried R CMD SHLIB addone.cpp again but got many errors. Here is a
> small selection:
> /usr/local/include/Rcpp.h:34:32: error: RcppDatetimeVector.h: No such file
> or directory
> /usr/local/include/Rcpp.h:35:23: error: RcppFrame.h: No such file or
> directory
> /usr/local/include/Rcpp.h:36:26: error: RcppFunction.h: No such file or
> directory
> /usr/local/include/Rcpp.h:37:22: error: RcppList.h: No such file or
> directory
> could someone help? im afraid im new both to linux and Rcpp!
> best,
> abhisek
Romain Francois
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