On 4 May 2012 at 00:07, Owe Jessen wrote:
| I am running into a wall getting my system to work with rcpp and inline.
| Following Dirk's advice on stackoverflow, I hope someone is able to help
| me.
There is a dedicated mailing list for Rcpp: rcpp-devel.
Please let us try to continue the discussion over there. Subscription is
required as on some other R lists, so please subscribe before posting.
In general, you need Rtools correctly set up. If and when you compile a basic
R package (also containing C or C++ files) from sources, you should be fine.
A decent 60+ page tutorial is available at:
Once you have that sorted out, working with Rcpp and inline should "just
work" as it does on other operating systems.
| My steps were to install MinGW 32 bit first, then installing Rtools, I
| disabled MinGW's entry in the PATH.
What do you mean by "MinGW's path entry disabled" ? You need
| I am trying to get the following code to work:
| library(Rcpp)
| library(inline)
| body <- '
| NumericVector xx(x);
| return wrap( std::accumulate( xx.begin(), xx.end(), 0.0));'
| add <- cxxfunction(signature(x = "numeric"), body, plugin =
| verbose=T)
| x <- 1
| y <- 2
| res <- add(c(x, y))
| res
| I get the following error messages:
| >> setting environment variables:
| PKG_LIBS = C:/Users/Owe/Documents/R/win-library/2.15/Rcpp/lib/x64/libRcpp.a
| >> LinkingTo : Rcpp
| >> Program source :
| 1 :
| 2 : // includes from the plugin
| 3 :
| 4 : #include<Rcpp.h>
| 5 :
| 6 :
| 7 : #ifndef BEGIN_RCPP
| 8 : #define BEGIN_RCPP
| 9 : #endif
| 10 :
| 11 : #ifndef END_RCPP
| 12 : #define END_RCPP
| 13 : #endif
| 14 :
| 15 : using namespace Rcpp;
| 16 :
| 17 :
| 18 : // user includes
| 19 :
| 20 :
| 21 : // declarations
| 22 : extern "C" {
| 23 : SEXP file10bc7da0783e( SEXP x) ;
| 24 : }
| 25 :
| 26 : // definition
| 27 :
| 28 : SEXP file10bc7da0783e( SEXP x ){
| 30 :
| 31 : NumericVector xx(x);
| 32 : return wrap( std::accumulate( xx.begin(), xx.end(), 0.0));
| 33 : END_RCPP
| 34 : }
| 35 :
| 36 :
| Compilation argument:
| C:/R_curr/R_2_15_0/bin/x64/R CMD SHLIB file10bc7da0783e.cpp 2>
| g++ -m64 -I"C:/R_curr/R_2_15_0/include" -DNDEBUG
-I"d:/RCompile/CRANpkg/extralibs64/local/include" -O2 -Wall
-mtune=core2 -c file10bc7da0783e.cpp -o file10bc7da0783e.o
Looks like compilation worked.
| g++ -m64 -shared -s -static-libgcc -o file10bc7da0783e.dll tmp.def
-Ld:/RCompile/CRANpkg/extralibs64/local/lib -LC:/R_curr/R_2_15_0/bin/x64 -lR
| cygwin warning:
| MS-DOS style path detected: C:/R_curr/R_2_15_0/etc/x64/Makeconf
| Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /cygdrive/c/R_curr/R_2_15_0/etc/x64/Makeconf
| CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off
this warning.
| Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:
| cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using.html#using-pathnames
That is just noise and can be ignored.
The rest is bad:
| Cannot export Rcpp::Vector<14>::update(): symbol not defined
| Cannot export Rcpp::Vector<14>::~Vector(): symbol not defined
| Cannot export Rcpp::Vector<14>::~Vector(): symbol not defined
| Cannot export typeinfo for Rcpp::VectorBase<14, true,
Rcpp::Vector<14> >: symbol not defined
| Cannot export typeinfo for Rcpp::Vector<14>: symbol not defined
| Cannot export typeinfo for Rcpp::traits::expands_to_logical__impl<14>:
symbol not defined
| Cannot export typeinfo for Rcpp::RObject: symbol not defined
| Cannot export typeinfo for Rcpp::internal::eval_methods<14>: symbol not
| Cannot export typeinfo for std::exception: symbol not defined
| Cannot export typeinfo name for Rcpp::VectorBase<14, true,
Rcpp::Vector<14> >: symbol not defined
| Cannot export typeinfo name for Rcpp::Vector<14>: symbol not defined
| Cannot export typeinfo name for
Rcpp::traits::expands_to_logical__impl<14>: symbol not defined
| Cannot export typeinfo name for Rcpp::RObject: symbol not defined
| Cannot export typeinfo name for Rcpp::internal::eval_methods<14>: symbol
not defined
| Cannot export typeinfo name for std::exception: symbol not defined
| Cannot export vtable for Rcpp::Vector<14>: symbol not defined
| Cannot export _file10bc7da0783e: symbol not defined
| file10bc7da0783e.o:file10bc7da0783e.cpp:(.text+0x1a4): undefined reference to
`SEXPREC* Rcpp::internal::r_true_cast<14>(SEXPREC*)'
| file10bc7da0783e.o:file10bc7da0783e.cpp:(.text+0x1c9): undefined reference to
| file10bc7da0783e.o:file10bc7da0783e.cpp:(.text+0x244): undefined reference to
`double* Rcpp::internal::r_vector_start<14, double>(SEXPREC*)'
| file10bc7da0783e.o:file10bc7da0783e.cpp:(.text+0x27c): undefined reference to
| file10bc7da0783e.o:file10bc7da0783e.cpp:(.text+0x389): undefined reference to
| file10bc7da0783e.o:file10bc7da0783e.cpp:(.text+0x420): undefined reference to
`forward_exception_to_r(std::exception const&)'
undefined reference to `Rcpp::RObject::~RObject()'
undefined reference to `double* Rcpp::internal::r_vector_start<14,
undefined reference to `Rcpp::RObject::~RObject()'
| collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Linking failed. Something is wrong with your static Rcpp library. I cannot
tell why this fails.
You could check your package by submitting it to
If it builds there, your local setup is wrong. If it fails there, your
package is wrong.
Cheers, Dirk
| ERROR(s) during compilation: source code errors or compiler configuration
| Program source:
| 1:
| 2: // includes from the plugin
| 3:
| 4: #include<Rcpp.h>
| 5:
| 6:
| 7: #ifndef BEGIN_RCPP
| 8: #define BEGIN_RCPP
| 9: #endif
| 10:
| 11: #ifndef END_RCPP
| 12: #define END_RCPP
| 13: #endif
| 14:
| 15: using namespace Rcpp;
| 16:
| 17:
| 18: // user includes
| 19:
| 20:
| 21: // declarations
| 22: extern "C" {
| 23: SEXP file10bc7da0783e( SEXP x) ;
| 24: }
| 25:
| 26: // definition
| 27:
| 28: SEXP file10bc7da0783e( SEXP x ){
| 30:
| 31: NumericVector xx(x);
| 32: return wrap( std::accumulate( xx.begin(), xx.end(), 0.0));
| 33: END_RCPP
| 34: }
| 35:
| 36:
| sessionInfo() provides the following data:
| > sessionInfo()
| R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)
| Platform: x86_64-pc-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
| locale:
| [1] LC_COLLATE=German_Germany.1252 LC_CTYPE=German_Germany.1252
| [4] LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=German_Germany.1252
| attached base packages:
| [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
| other attached packages:
| [1] RcppExamples_0.1.3 RcppClassic_0.9.1 inline_0.3.8 Rcpp_0.9.10
| loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
| [1] tools_2.15.0
| Thanks in advance
| --
| Owe Jessen
| privat.owejessen.de
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