Scott, I asked this same question a few years back, here's what Deepayan
wrote. I think the last hint about scales will help you
On 5/9/07, Seth W Bigelow <sbigelow@fs.f...> wrote:
> I would like to remove the outermost box from my wireframe plots -- this
is > the box that is automatically generated, and is not the inner cube that
> frames the data. There was a thread on this 4 yrs ago but none of the
fixes > work (e.g., grid.newpage(), grid.lines(gp = gpar(col = NA)) or
>,col=NA. These just make the data or the cube
disappear. > Has anyone solved this issue?
> Here's some sample code. In case you are wondering, I have indeed
purchased > Paul Murrel's book.
But have you looked at example(wireframe)? The last example is what
you want. You might also want to add
scales = list(col = "black")
to the call.
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station
1731 Research Park Drive, Davis California / ph. 530 759 1718
"Waichler, Scott R" <>
03/16/2010 05:12 PM
Seth W Bigelow <>
RE: R-help Digest, Vol 85, Issue 16
Thank for you for the suggestion. I found that the axis.line setting does
get rid of the panel border, but unfortunately also the tick marks that go
with the bounding box (but not the bounding box itself). The clip command
doesn?t seem to do anything.
Below is the code I?m using for testing.
Scott Waichler
# Test script for figuring out how to use contour3d and wireframe
# source("/projects/rifle/scripts/test_3d.r")
xlim <- c(7, 18)
ylim <- c(0, 10)
zlim <- c(1613.22, 1619.52)
z.ticks <- rev(seq(gs, wasatch, by=-1))
z.tick.labels <- gs - z.ticks
pdf(file = ?test_3d.pdf", paper="special", width=7.5, height=6,
# Note about screen settings, which determine point of view: After each
rotation, new axes are defined for
# the next rotation as at the start: x is to the right of the 2D view, y
is towards the top, and z
# is positive out of the page towards you. Rotations follow the
right-hand rule: positive angles follow
# curved fingers of right hand, with thumb pointing in positive direction
of associated axis.
w <- wireframe(matrix(zlim[1], 2, 2) ~ rep(xlim,2)*rep(ylim,each=2),
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, zlim = zlim,
aspect=c(diff(ylim) / diff(xlim), diff(zlim) / diff(xlim)),
xlab = "X (m)", ylab = "Y (m)", zlab = "Z
scales = list(arrows = FALSE, z=list(at = z.ticks, labels =
par.settings = list(#box.3d = list(col = "transparent", alpha =
# remove the axes
axis.line = list(col = "transparent") #
the panel border
#screen=list(x=-90, y=-40), # looking from side
screen=list(x=-100, y=-40, z=5), # looking from side and slightly
main="Testing with /projects/rifle/scripts/test_3d.r",
panel.3d.wireframe = function(x, y, z, rot.mat, distance,
xlim.scaled, ylim.scaled,
zlim.scaled, ...) {
scale <- c(diff(xlim.scaled) / diff(xlim),
diff(ylim.scaled) / diff(ylim),
diff(zlim.scaled) / diff(zlim))
shift <- c(mean(xlim.scaled) - mean(xlim) * scale[1],
mean(ylim.scaled) - mean(ylim) * scale[2],
mean(zlim.scaled) - mean(zlim) * scale[3])
if(![[nc]][[ic]][[j]])[1])) {
P <- rbind(cbind(diag(scale), shift), c(0, 0, 0, 1))
rot.mat <- rot.mat %*% P
#drawScene(isoc[[nc]][[ic]][[j]], R.mat = rot.mat, screen =
# distance = distance, add = TRUE, scale = FALSE,
# light = c(.5,0,1), engine = "grid")
From: Seth W Bigelow []
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:12 PM
To: Waichler, Scott R
Subject: Re: R-help Digest, Vol 85, Issue 16
This may work for you. Just include the statement
par.settings <- par.set1 in your wire graph statement
par.set1 <-list(
axis.line=list(col="transparent"), #
rid of box around fig?
clip=list(panel=FALSE), #
disarm lurking panel settings?
Dr. Seth W. Bigelow
Biologist, USDA-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station
1731 Research Park Drive, Davis California / ph. 530 759 1718
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