Your package (RcmdrPlugin.MAc on CRAN) does not depend on Rcmdr. I
suppose you mean the getRcmdr in Rcmdr, and that will be not available
when your package is loaded in a vanilla session.
My guess is that you intended such a dependence (in the Depends line
in the DESCRIPTION file). It passed the checks because the line
if (!interactive()) return()
ensured that they did nothing at all. I am also guessing that you
did manual checks in an interactive session with Rcmdr already loaded.
On Mon, 15 Feb 2010, AC Del Re wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have recently created an Rcmdr plugin package and it passed all the
> checks and was uploaded to CRAN. I then downloaded it from CRAN and
> tried running it from my local R program and received this error:
> ...
> Error in f(libname, pkgname) : could not find function "getRcmdr"
> Error in library(pkg, character.only = TRUE) :
> .First.lib failed for 'RcmdrPlugin.MAc'
> In my .R file with all the relevant functions that are read into the
> package, I have placed this at the top, which seems to be related to
> one of the sources of error (?):
> .packageName <- "RcmdrPlugin.MAc"
> .First.lib <- function(libname, pkgname){
> if (!interactive()) return()
> Rcmdr <- options()$Rcmdr
> plugins <- Rcmdr$plugins
> if ((!pkgname %in% plugins) && !getRcmdr("autoRestart"))
> Rcmdr$plugins <- c(plugins, pkgname)
> options(Rcmdr=Rcmdr)
> closeCommander(ask=FALSE,
> Commander()
> }
> }
> I am not exactly sure how to proceed--I appreciate any suggestions.
> AC
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595