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Shawn Way wrote:> Magazine: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
> Date: Nov/Dec 2009
> Title: What Your ICH Q8 Design Space Needs: A Multivariate Predictive
> Distribution
> Author: Peterson, John J.
> Company: GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals
> Summary: Multivariate Predicitive distibution quantifies the level of QA
> in a design space. "Parametric Bootstrapping" can help simplify
> analysis and compliment Bayesian Methods.
> R mentioned along with SAS at the end of the artice.
> Thank you kindly,
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Shawn Way, PE
> MECO, Inc.
> (p) 281-276-7612
> (f) 281-313-0248
> <img alt="" src="http://www.meco.com/img/meco.gif"
/><br />
> <a href="http://www.meco.com">WWW.MECO.COM</a><br
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