On Nov 24, 2009, at 8:33 PM, AC Del Re wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am wanting to convert a data.frame from a wide format to a long
> format
> (with >1 variable) and am having difficulties. Any help is
> appreciated!
> #current wide format
>> head(data.out2)
> id rater.1 n.1 rater.2 n.2 rater.3 n.3 rater.4 n.4
> 11 11 0.1183333 79 NA NA NA NA NA NA
> 114 114 0.2478709 113 NA NA NA NA NA NA
> 12 12 0.3130655 54 0.3668242 54 NA NA NA NA
> 121 121 0.2400000 331 NA NA NA NA NA NA
> 122 122 0.3004164 25 0.1046278 25 0.2424871 25 0.2796937 25
> 125 125 0.1634865 190 NA NA NA NA NA NA
> #This is close but I would like the 'n' column to remain and for
> '.1' to
> drop off
I don't really understand what you want and the example solution
throws away quite a lot of data, so consider this alternative:
data.out2 <- read.table(textConnection("id rater.1 n.1 rater.2 n.
2 rater.3 n.3 rater.4 n.4
11 11 0.1183333 79 NA NA NA NA NA NA
114 114 0.2478709 113 NA NA NA NA NA NA
12 12 0.3130655 54 0.3668242 54 NA NA NA NA
121 121 0.2400000 331 NA NA NA NA NA NA
122 122 0.3004164 25 0.1046278 25 0.2424871 25 0.2796937 25
125 125 0.1634865 190 NA NA NA NA NA NA"),
header=T, stringsAsFactors=F)
data.frame(id= data.out2$id, rater=stack(data.out2[,grep("rater",
n= stack(data.out2[,grep("n", names(data.out2))]) )
data.out2.id rater.values rater.ind n.values n.ind
1 11 0.1183333 rater.1 79 n.1
2 114 0.2478709 rater.1 113 n.1
3 12 0.3130655 rater.1 54 n.1
4 121 0.2400000 rater.1 331 n.1
5 122 0.3004164 rater.1 25 n.1
6 125 0.1634865 rater.1 190 n.1
7 11 NA rater.2 NA n.2
8 114 NA rater.2 NA n.2
9 12 0.3668242 rater.2 54 n.2
10 121 NA rater.2 NA n.2
11 122 0.1046278 rater.2 25 n.2
12 125 NA rater.2 NA n.2
13 11 NA rater.3 NA n.3
14 114 NA rater.3 NA n.3
15 12 NA rater.3 NA n.3
16 121 NA rater.3 NA n.3
17 122 0.2424871 rater.3 25 n.3
18 125 NA rater.3 NA n.3
19 11 NA rater.4 NA n.4
20 114 NA rater.4 NA n.4
21 12 NA rater.4 NA n.4
22 121 NA rater.4 NA n.4
23 122 0.2796937 rater.4 25 n.4
24 125 NA rater.4 NA n.4
You can take what you like from what I would consider a version that
has no loss of the original information.
>> data.out3<-reshape(data.out2,varying=list(names(data.out2)[-1]),
> + idvar='id',direction='long')
>> head(data.out3)
> id time rater.1
> 11.1 11 1 0.1183333
> 114.1 114 1 0.2478709
> 12.1 12 1 0.3130655
> 121.1 121 1 0.2400000
> 122.1 122 1 0.3004164
> 125.1 125 1 0.1634865
> Ideally I would like the columns to be set up in this manner:
> id time rater n
What is "time"?
> Thanks,
> html
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT