This is rather obviously homework, and you have not read the Posting
Guide, and you have not addressed the question of academic integrity
policies that are probably in force at your university.
On Oct 31, 2009, at 1:30 PM, md. jakir hussain talukdar wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to R. My problem is with the ordered logistic model. Here
> is my
> question:
> Generate an order discrete variable using the variable
> wrwage1 = wages in first full calendar quarter after benefit
> application
> in the following way:
> *
> wage*1*Ordered *>
> 1 *if*0 *? wrwage*1 *< *1000
> 2 *if*1000 *? wrwage*1 *< *2000
> 3 *if*2000 *? wrwage*1 *< *3000
> 4 *if*3000 *? wrwage*1 *< *4000
> 5 *ifwrwage*1 *? *4000.
> Estimate an order logit model using the new created discrete
> variable as the
> dependent variable with the following control variables:
> black = 1 if black
> hispanic = 1 if hispanic
> otherrace = 1 if black = 0 and hispanic = 0
> female = 1 if female
> wba = claimant's UI weekly bene?t amount (*=week*)
> age = age of claimant when claim is ?led (years)
> bp1000 = base period wages (thousand $)
> inuidur1 = duration of unemployment (weeks)
> I have written the program as:
>> pennw <- read.table("G:/Econometrics II/pennsylvania.txt",
>> header=TRUE)
>> names(pennw)
> [1] "group" "t0" "t1"
"t2" "t3" "t4"
> [7] "intercept" "black" "hispanic"
"female" "wba"
> "bonus"
> [13] "age" "recall" "pd"
"bp1000" "numpay"
> "wrwage0"
> [19] "wrwage1" "wrwage2" "wrwage3"
"wrwage4" "inuidur1"
> "regui"
>> wage <- pennw$wrwage1
>> wage[wage>=0 & wage<1000] <- 1
>> wage[wage>=1000 & wage<2000] <- 2
>> wage[wage>=2000 & wage<3000] <- 3
>> wage[wage>=3000 & wage<4000] <- 4
>> wage[wage>=4000] <- 5
>> intercept <- pennw$intercept
>> blac <- pennw$black
>> hisp <- pennw$hispanic
>> fem <- pennw$female
>> wba <- pennw$wba
>> age <- pennw$age
>> bpw <- pennw$bp1000
>> dur <- pennw$inuidur1
>> fw <- factor(wage)
>> Ik <- model.matrix(~fw-1)
>> I1 <- Ik[,1]
>> I2 <- Ik[,2]
>> I3 <- Ik[,3]
>> I4 <- Ik[,4]
>> I5 <- Ik[,5]
>> yelmon <- function(theta,x){
> + mu1 <- theta[1]
> + mu2 <- theta[2]
> + mu3 <- theta[3]
> + mu4 <- theta[4]
> + mu5 <- theta[5]
> + beta <- theta[6]
> + logL <-
> sum((Ik*log((exp(mu2-(x*beta))/(1+exp(mu2-(x*beta))))-(exp(mu1-
> (x*beta))/(1+exp(mu1-(x*beta))))))+(Ik*log((exp(mu3-(x*beta))/
> (1+exp(mu3-(x*beta))))-(exp(mu2-(x*beta))/(1+exp(mu2-(x*beta))))))+
> (Ik*log((exp(mu4-(x*beta))/(1+exp(mu4-(x*beta))))-(exp(mu3-(x*beta))/
> (1+exp(mu3-(x*beta))))))+(Ik*log((exp(mu5-(x*beta))/(1+exp(mu5-
> (x*beta))))-(exp(mu4-(x*beta))/(1+exp(mu4-(x*beta))))))+(Ik*log(1-
> (exp(mu5-(x*beta))/(1+exp(mu5-(x*beta)))))))
> + return(-logL)
> + }
>> optim(yelmon, c(0,1), x=c(intercept, blac, hisp, fem, wba, age,
>> bpw, dur))
> I should be getting the values for all beta?s and mu?s here
> ) The program
> should be done by maximum likelihood not by calling ready-made
> commands
> Rubel
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David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT