I'm trying to plot a grouped data object for modelling maximum branch
size by distance from stem apex:
>MAXBRD.group <- groupedData(MAXBRD ~ Dtop | Type/Site/Tree,
inner=~Status, data=MAXBRD.data).
The following code produces a plot of MAXBRD ~ Dtop for each site type:
>plot(MAXBRD.group, collapse=1, display=1, aspect=1.2, pch=20, inner=~1,
main="MAXBRD with Distance from Stem Apex", xlab="Distance from
apex (m)", >ylab="Max Branch Diameter (mm)")
But I would like the plot to show different colour points for Live and
Dead branches (variable name ="Status"). At the moment the plot does
distinguish between branches of different status.
I can draw the plot using xyplot but then the panels aren't grouped
according to the structure of the grouped data object, and auto.key
gives different points to those in the plot.
Can anyone help with this?
Thanks in advance.
Dave Auty
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