We would like to announce that a new version of the Tinn-R for Windows ( was released and is available on SourceForge server: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tinn-r Tinn-R is a R script editor under the OS Windows. Changes: (jul/10/2009) * Bugs fixed: - The error message when typing CTRL+TAB inside the Rterm interface whenever it was not split. - It now remembers the position of the Tabs files (top or botton) when starting. - It now properly organizes the Tabs files in relation to other toolbars whenever the user uses the show/hide option in the toolbars. - The intermittency of completion resources. - The Auto completion and Data completion now recognizes split by a dot as a complete word: for example my.function( and my.data$. - Under Windows Vista the option R/Configure/Permanent (Rprofile.site now checks if the user has administrative privileges to change the content of the file Rprofile.site, before to insert the necessary script. If the user receive a message error, it necessary to change manually the security properties enabling Full control of the folder etc where the R is installed. * The Completion resource migrated to XML, it is more flexible and easy to use. Now it is located in the the menu Tools/Database. * R card and R tip are now located in a more conveniente place: Tool/Database. * The R tip resource was updated. * Menu Format/Block was removed and all associated resources were relocated to a more logic place: Format/selection. * The User guide was expanded/enhanced in various topics. * The Application options interface was enhanced. * A new option in the Application options allows more specific recognition of Rgui. Now it is possible to avoid any windows caption with the word Console to be recognized as a R instance. * The interface Tinn-R hotkeys was fully reworked and it is now more simple and efficient. * Parts of the source code were optimized. * A new resource was added to the R send: Clipboard. It enables the user to send the content of the clipboard easily to Rterm. * Sorry, due to bugs the highlighters Deplate and Txt2tags were removed from the project. We will make new ones in the future. We think it is a very good and stable version of this program, btw, if you to notice any bug, please, tell us. Tinn-R team.